Please continue with your protocol! Even though herxing may bring those symptoms back or even intensify them, it should be short lived - only lasting as long as it takes for the toxin load to go back down. This is why we push detoxing as much as we do here. It really keeps the symptoms down to a lower level.
It's hard to find much information on any one thing right now if it pertains to any of the tick-borne infections. There is so much research that still needs to be done!
I experienced paranoia, uncontrollable anger, catatonia, and many other psychoses during my time with these infections and I am happy to tell you that I no longer suffer from any of them. It's a matter of allowing your body to heal - all of it, and giving it the proper support to do the job well.
This is one of the scariest things I've been through in my life! I've had loaded guns put to my head, but that didn't scare me as much as these infections did once I understood what I was battling. They almost took my life at one point. So you should be scared - but not too scared to do the right things! That's where we come in. We are here to help you understand what you are battling, help you find information, and to be here when you need someone who truly understands.
It's all about
information - information is power with these diseases, so be sure to ask plenty of questions (& don't stop until you find the answer), and do read about
these infections as much as possible. Being very well informed will not only help you heal as well as possible, but will also prepare you if you should need that info because one of your precious children need the info for their own healing.
I've made what I consider an amazing comeback from chronic Lyme (40 years undiagnosed), and although we do have a couple of members that are a lot more ill than I was, we are all healing (although I've already healed) and seeing some light at the end of that tunnel....and it's not another train!
So hang in there and learn all you can. Information truly is power with these infections!