Just wanted to say, I'm so glad I have found all of you!!! Now, I dont feel so alone
Since I cant sleep again, I'm fairly new to this site, I'll tell you my story quickly. I believe Ive been infected since 2006. My daughter and I were horsebackriding in southern MO. I found a huge deer tick attached to my groin. It left a welt for months and I felt sick (flu like) for a couple of weeks after. about
a yr later I noticed neuro symptoms that would come and go. Unexpained pain that would come and go. Weird symptoms that would send me to doctor but they never found anything wrong. I began running in 2008 and was enjoying life!!! In 2010, I started losing alot of hair, several bouts of poison ivy and allergy symptoms when going outside. I had never had any of these before! I began demanding more of my body as I took up trail running long distances throughout the yr. Dec 2012 I went in for surgery on my leg and after that my world came crashing down.
I wasnt healing very quickly and when I did finally heal from surgery I began to train for half Marathon in April. I found I couldnt even make it 3 miles w/o shortness of breath, severe fatigue, and horrible muscle pain and weakness. I finished my race but the illness had taken its toll. I spent most of the summer in bed.I found my LLMD in Dec thanks to the prodding from my hubby and the long road to recovery began!! I found out from him that usually a tramatic event can bring Lyme out in full force! That must have been the leg surgery We have alot of ticks out here but even if Im so sick they have to roll me outside, I will!! I love the outdoors, nature, and animals!! Sorry for the rambling!! Great to get know all of you!!