I posted on here a few weeks back. Hopefully I do not have lyme.
Here is the situation: about 28 days ago I had some sort of bite on my leg. I had been walking in some woodsy area that week. But, also weirdly I had seen a big spider crawling out of my bed sheets on night earlier in that week too- which is something that never happens to me but did this one time.
so I did not take a picture of the bite the day it had a rash but I did take one the next day and the rash was gone--- I am trying to figure out if I can link a photo of it on here to get your opinions but not sure how- if you all know how tell me please.
So the rash only lasted one day. On that very day I went into a natropath doctor and showed it to her. It had a puncture in the middle and a rash around it n two sides- not a complete circle like the photos I see, but two half circles more like an oval and not quite connected. It appeared and then went away the next day and never spread.
She prescribed doxyxycline 400 mg a day for 30 days. and grapefruitseed extract and serapetase. Alternatively she said I could take banderol and samento, 30 drops twice a day, and the serapeptase and g-fruit seed.
I took the doxy and threw up the first day. I went to my regular md 2 days later and she said
it did not seem like lyme ( there was no rash anymore) and the am't of antibiotics was dangerously high and I should do nothing.
I ended up doing 200 mg of doxy for 10 days and on the 11th day I took a 200 mg of doxy and threw up 6 times and felt rally poisoned. I stopped after that.
I though about starting the herbs then, and did them once or twice but then wasn't even sure I had to do anything. So then a couple of weeks passed. I made an appointment with a healer I trust but could not get a soon appointment- I see her in a few days to get her advice.
So the thing is, I do not know how a tick could have been on me for even a few hours- because I do thorough tick checks every day (except in the winter). in which I take off all my clothes and put them in the laundry and check my body and have my husband check my body. The site of the bite is on my lower le g in a very visible place. So I wasn't sure if I could even have had a tick on me for a few hours.
So now I am worrying that everything wrong I feel in my body could be lyme. It has been about 28 days since the bite. I took all the herbs tonight with the thought that I will just do them for 30 days just in case. But I am concerned about the side effects.
I know it has been disproved that atick has to be on someone for 24 hrs+ to transmit lyme- but I do not know that a tick could have been on me even 2 hours. I don't know if I had a tick bite or maybe a spider bite? The orginal natropath I saw is very young and new so I don't 100% trust her--- but then again she did say it looked like lyme.
So should I take the thirty days of herbs just in case? what kind of side effects might I find with them? any other opinions?