I feel like I'm posting too much; sorry! I finally had to admit to myself that I'm back in a big Lyme flare, and not doing well at all. The abx really helped me, and I got so much better, and I was kind of up and down while doing Teasel and Smilax, but now I've had to admit to myself that I'm really not doing well. I'm losing my appetite, having trouble with impulse control and ADD kind of stuff, sleeping 12 hours a night, having pain flares, and so on.
I'm also depressed: One of my best friends of all time passed away right before Christmas. I didn't want to ruin folks' holidays, so I only told a few people. Then, my dog bit me (and that's actually going quite well, with natural abx and garlic), I had to go to the ER, the next day she had a seizure (she has Lyme), and now my tummy isn't doing so well from even the natural abx. I also had to deal with the people from Animal Control, but they let me keep Sophie, and didn't require a quarantine.
I'm feeling really isolated, because I can't go out and do things, and doesn't help that I live in a really small town (though in a beautiful area). My house is a huge mess, and it involves maintenance, and I really need to move to a smaller space, but am doing nothing about
it, as I don't have the energy. My money is running out. I don't mean to be such a downer; sorry. I need to count my blessings, though right now, I'm not sure what they are! :) My friend Jack was a great help, because he was struggling with Lupus and kidney problems, so he really understood what I was going through. I saw him almost every day, and now he's dead. :( It happens to all of us, but . . . .
I need to use my sense of humor, I guess, and my few remaining friends. Sorry I sound so pathetic. I don't mean to.
Btw, I can't get the emoticons (on side) to work! I like the emoticons.
ha ha