Posted 1/29/2014 3:06 AM (GMT -5)
I watched a documentary on Pbs about concussion damage done to NFL players and the medical politics and big business (NFL) opposition done toplayers and doctors that just tried to present scientific evidence showing proof of damage done by concussions. It was a Frontline show. As I watched it just reminded me of the constant medical politics and arrogance we face as a community daily. I wish we could have something at that professional level to communicate the challenges faced by lyme/cfs patients. I think under our skin comes close but I think it needs to call out these doctors that have conflict of interest when it comes to lyme.
There was one statement 'do you understand the implications of your (Omalu) findings', if a small percentage of people learned about the risks and how players were being treated. I feel the same question could be asked if the truth about lyme were made widely known. Right now we all struggle individually with all the battles ( testing, diagnoses, health impact while waiting to get answers, dealing with ignorant or arrogant doctors, etc). I wish I knew the best way to get this out there but as in this story in the NFL I don't think 'they' want this lyme story known widely.