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Has anyone tried ACT? Advanced Cell Training
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Veteran Member
Joined : Dec 2005
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Posted 10/19/2012 1:01 PM (GMT -5)
Interested in seeing if anyone has tried this program. What type of results if any did you find?
Looks interesting and confusing at the same time.
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Posted 10/19/2012 2:17 PM (GMT -5)
Hello, I did send for their CD's and info. and to me it seems like a mind over matter concept. But who knows, perhaps it will work for some people.
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Posted 10/19/2012 7:32 PM (GMT -5)
I also sent for the cd and listened in on a class, but I was so confused. Was curious if anyone else had tried it.
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Posted 10/20/2012 9:05 AM (GMT -5)
This is just my opinion but I think it's mumbo jumbo aka big waste of hard earned money.
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Posted 10/21/2012 2:14 AM (GMT -5)
I think the word placebo has a bad connotation, where that shouldn't necessarily. There is a large chunk of wellness that is a result of feeling like you are getting better (whether or not objective evidence would agree). If something can consistently make you feel better, especially if the gains are lasting, then it's hard to say you shouldn't do it.
Having said that, we have a duty as healthcare consumers to use our brains and not get ripped off by scam artists. You have limited financial, mental and emotional resources; your job as a patient is to try to direct those resources in a way that is effective. Even something that is free can still waste mental and emotional energy (not to mention time).
The alternative care industry is not not alone in abusing patients with wasteful treatments; we need only look at unnecessary surgeries and excessive prescript
ions to see that. However, government and industry groups/regulations serve to protect consumers to some degree. A therapy has to be proven effective, or at least have a plausible explanation for efficacy, to be allowed.
Alternative care does not benefit from this oversight in most cases. Anyone off the street can invent their own healing product/system and start slinging it to the masses. As long as they don't seriously hurt people or start getting too brazen with claims of curing diseases no one will ever bother them. If it sounds like an obvious scam (ie mail me your picture in a cash-stuffed envelope and I will heal you from 1000 miles away) it probably is.
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Posted 10/22/2012 9:59 AM (GMT -5)
It isn't too costly and if you don't see any results you get your money back after 4 weeks.
I know it isn't a cure, but wondering if it had any positive results even if just mentally positive thinking. I know how powerful the mind is.
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Posted 11/28/2012 10:55 AM (GMT -5)
I am on week 3 of this course. I have had a herx following each class. Not sure yet if that is a good thing or not, but going to give it a few more classes to see if notice any improvements. The fact that I am having such a strong reaction after the classes makes me think it might just help in the long run. We'll see.
Would love to hear some other stories after trying ACT.
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Posted 2/17/2013 3:23 PM (GMT -5)
Does anyone have an update on this? Thinking about
looking into it, but maybe I'm just desperate
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Posted 2/17/2013 5:13 PM (GMT -5)
Personally I think Advanced Cell Training is a bunch of mumbo jumbo, just my opinion. I have tried anything and everything in hopes I could regain my life and i do NOT like being taken advantage of.
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Posted 2/17/2013 10:34 PM (GMT -5)
I am still with the program. I did notice a difference in feeling well for about
2 weeks during Christmas. I really felt like it was working, then my family got hit with 8 weeks of non stop viruses so I was dealing with that and couldn't really focus on the program. We are all finally feeling well again so I can start to focus on the classes again. Not sure yet if they are working.
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Posted 3/7/2013 2:52 PM (GMT -5)
Does anyone who actually tried this have feedback? I've read varying reviews but mostly from people who have not gone through the system.
I'm willing to try anything at this point.
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Posted 6/24/2013 8:02 PM (GMT -5)
As I have actually tried the program I wanted to give some feedback. I was at my wit's end after consulting with 8 different medical doctors and running thousands of dollars in tests and being told "there was nothing wrong with me". My health was failing and the pain in my shoulders and arms and hands was increasing exponentially to a point I was unable to move my arms. In desperation I started the program with Advanced Cell Training. Guess what? It works! The pain is completely gone and don't ask me how or why it works because I have no idea. Is it placebo effect, is it the mind playing tricks???? Who cares as long as it works. Gary and his team are a great group of Christian people with the goal of healing you. Yes, they charge because they have to pay their living, but I spent thousands more on medical doctors who not only did not help at all but gave me no money back guarantee, unlike ACT who gives you the first month's fees back if you see no change. It is weird that reading codes directed at your cells heal you but it worked for me and Gary was a Godsend. I hope this helps.
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Posted 6/24/2013 8:44 PM (GMT -5)
Whats wierd is I went to the acupuncturist and he handed me a folded up peice of paper then pushed hard on my arm. My arm stayed steady and he couldn't push it down. Then he handed me another piece of folded up paper and when he pushed on my arm it just buckled. He told me to
open the paper. The first one was blank. The one I was holding second time said "lyme" . He just smiled and said that was his diagnostic tool.
Got me to thinking though..about
further senses and stuff. Good and bad energy and how we might contribute to better healing ourselves.
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Posted 6/25/2013 12:30 PM (GMT -5)
That was muscle testing. That is what ACT is based on. I am still in class. Herxing like mad still after codes each week. Some improvements. Slowly but surely.
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Posted 9/7/2013 1:11 PM (GMT -5)
This is a naturopathic method. Look up rife and muscle testing to get an idea of how it works. I got the promo dvd and many people have been helped by this. It is not mind over matter, or positive thinking. He offers money back guarantee if you are not satisfied after 4 weeks. He does not sell products.
It is much less than I have spent on other treatments. I am trying it out. Just started this week.
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Posted 1/28/2014 10:54 PM (GMT -5)
I actually just started a thread on ACT, not realizing there was already one here.
I'd love hearing about
more results/ progress.
I feel like there is nothing to lose with trying this, (except the $, which is apparently refundable). I believe in the power of the mind, and that it does have a large role in our healing.
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Posted 1/29/2014 5:19 PM (GMT -5)
I haven't tried ACT, but am doing something similar called RSM (retracing sequence method) and have seen results, too. :) In addition to the RSM, I've been studying neurogenesis. I'm on board.
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Posted 10/26/2014 10:28 AM (GMT -5)
I did try ACT for 8 1/2 months and it was not successful for me. Though i have heard of some success stories, they will not give the ratio of fails to successes. If you are desperate as I am.. you do tend to try everything that comes your way, and they do have a convincing group of people call you.
I think they need to be more specific in saying they are Christian based. At first they are vague about
the praying, but once you advance to the spiritual session, the bible is discussed and called 100 percent inerrant and the sinners prayer is administered as they tell you, you have demons in your life.
I went along with it, but.. later on when I had not improved and my orientation came into play.. that was used as the reason I had not gotten better. Just wrong as far as I am concerned, because my relationship is the only thing that keeps me going and having a will to live. It is not really sexual even, because my sexuality has diminished with being sick.. but I guess they just needed an excuse for it not working.
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Posted 10/16/2016 5:17 PM (GMT -5)
if that is the case w/ literalist hateful christianity, that's so upsetting!
i just called them but after reading that... no. that is damaging to one's sense of self and immune system to espouse those beliefs and self-righteously say that!!! i am not gay but i am empathetic and believe we all must move toward increasing love and respect in this world.
i'm so sorry
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