Over 2 years into lyme treatment and it's been a roller coaster on what works and what does not. After 1 1/2 yrs of being on antibios, then switched LLMDs to find out that the antibios was not the route for me. Causing to destroy nearly the #1 defense mechanism for many of us to get better --- the gut flora and repercussions of this. Through many tests, found out that I am extremely allergic to many foods (thanks to the antibios). And the allergens cause lots of inflammation and autoimmune disorders. So now its taking a long time to restore the gut, reduce inflammation, detox and while trying to get good nutrition. And when I recently had a microscopy test on a blood smear, they still found lyme and babesia...they sent me home with a lovely picture of those guys.
So has anyone else been caught in this awful cycle, and don;t really feel they are getting better?
Actually, now that I am somewhat on track I do feel like I am getting better...but I have to be extremely careful with diet, lifestyle etc as most of us do. and figure out what works for me.
Several months ago there was one veteran member that listed off the 3-4 most important things to work on for a lymie and # 1 for her was healing the gut. you can not proceed with treatment until this is resolved.
so if any of you have similar stories, please share and how is road to recovery going?
Be well