Posted 2/20/2014 12:40 PM (GMT -5)
I am taking doxycline 200 mg and tindazole 1000mg. This Saturday I had first shot of biclin. Lyme doc thinks I have had this for 2 to 3 years. She did cd-57 was 61, intestinal siga was 15 (400- 800) is normal, igenix igm was pos for 18 and 30, IND for 31,39,41,83-93. Over the past year have been able to sleep less and less. I do not have the sleep feeling like I use to. Sleep study shows I have 160 arousals in a 6 hour period. I take lunesta 3 mg and I still wake up same amount. Doc have tried everything and nothing keeps me a sleep. I am suppose to start iv this weekend, I just want know its lyme and I am not being misdiagnosed