Hi Akkami, I took one month off (this was before I was diagnosed...I was so sick from Nov-Dec 2012). But during that month while we waited for my results to come back I started on supplements, detoxed (colonics, infrared, etc). I went back to work...still sick and just got through each day with prayer...tons of it. I wasn't able to work a full 40 hours a week between needing to rest and appointments. Fast forward...August 2013 I started working 40 hours a week again and was fine. I now take a couple of hours off a week for physical therapy and other appts I do over my lunch break.
It is a process...because between end of Dec 2012 through March 2013 I was very ill and working. I had no choice. But I did it...do what you can and if your body just can't handle it look into other options. If you do decide to stay and work get covered under FMLA so you are legally protected and so is your job
I hope this helps.