I'm happy to report I've been feeling almost great for a few days now! I don't know exactly what to attribute this to, but I'm not complaining.
I've been getting IV iron treatments, 3 different times now, so that might be boosting my super low iron levels and making a happy difference.
I'm in my cheery part of my month. In the past, it's been 2 bad weeks followed by 2 good weeks, so time will tell if that's what's going on.
I got super sick for 6 days with a horrible stomach flu. Maybe I got rid of some bad guys during that time. It was terrible. So glad to be able to eat now.
I'm taking 15 different homeopathic treatments and meds, so who knows what's making me feel good. I haven't had pain in a while…well, just tummy pain from some of the meds. That's all.
Hang in there, guys!