Posted 2/25/2014 9:55 PM (GMT -5)
As I was reading the book, I marked off sentences in the book so that I would come back to them and create a quick summary sheet of what I read. Thought I'd share this list with everyone because it might just have one or two comments that relate to you or something you are interested in trying. This list is just some of the points that stood out and I found interesting to me and of course there's a lot more in the book that you might want to read if you are interested.
Here goes (forgive grammar or punctuation mistakes, just hope the message of the idea gets through):
Beating Lyme Disease: Living the Good Life in Spite of Lyme – David Jernigan
• Toxins from the bacteria are actually the primary cause of all your symptoms
• Lifelong optimal health can be achieved even if every single Lyme spirochete has not been killed
• The unique symptoms of an individual are from the microbes revealing a person’s weakest areas in the body
• Check for mycoplasma, bartonella, babesia, ehrlichia
• Supplementing with mushrooms is a good idea for immune support
• A colder than normal body promotes microbes
• Viruses prefer nerve tissue while bacteria prefer blood and metabolic tissues
• Lyme spirochetes may lay dormant in the body for years only to erupt when the environment changes in the body
• If you have been treated for Lyme disease and have reached the point where all of the lab tests indicate no traces of borrelia borgdorferi, yet you are still feeling very sick, then you need to get tested for mycoplasma PCR test. Also test for babesia microti, ehrlichia, HHV-6, Epstein bar virus, cytomegalovirus, adeno-virus, and systemic candida. If you have never tested positive to have Lyme, definitely get tested for mycoplasma.
• As a general rule, chronic illness takes three months of corrective lifestyle/treatments for every year of infection
• Symptoms will not completely disappear just with the elimination of toxins. The toxin-damaged tissues must be restored (NT Factor Energy two months 2 pills 3x per day, then 1 pill 3x per day for total 6 months. NT Factor Energy is not mentioned in the book, but recommended by another doctor I found on youtube).
• NSAIDS should not be used for anyone with Lyme
• High protein foods contain L-arginine and should not be taken in the presence of ammonia.
• Many people with Lyme, have various viral issues. Arginine feeds viruses (must get checked for viruses!). The amino acid L-Lysine blocks arginine’s ability to feed viruses. Minimize foods with arginine content for viral control.
• L-lysine for 4-6 months (if viruses are present) and at same time use virogen for 2-3 months then switch to microbojen for 2-3 months, still maintaining the same dose of l-lysine
• Ammonia is very alkaline
• List of symptoms related to toxicity: allergies, acne, anxiety, burning skin, brain fog, chronic fatigue chemical sensitivities, depression, eczema, frequent colds or flue, feeling sick all over, insomnia, loss of dexterity, low body temperature, memory loss, mood swings, muscle and joint pains, and poor concentration
• The primary toxin of Lyme spirochetes is ammonia
• Neuro-antitox II facilitate the body’s ability to break down ammonia molecules into harmless urea
The Perfect-7 Treatment and Detoxifcation Protocol (follow for a few months beyond disappearance of symptoms)
• The goal is not to take remedies for the rest of your life but instead provide the body with the specific things that will restore its ability to completely heal
• Treats primary source of toxins, co-infections, eliminates toxins, and restore the organ circuits of the body
• Restore: Borrelogen, lymogen, microbojen 6 days/week (one day off), 5 droppers per day
o Take borrelogen for 2 months
o Take lymogen for 2 months (trade steps 1 and 2 if bartonella is a concern)
o Take microbojen for 2 months
o If still struggling with Lyme symptoms, take borrelogen and lymogen at the same time for 2 months
• Detoxify: Neuro-antitox II 6 days/week (one day off) always take with borrelogen, 5 droppers per day.
• Detox Tea
• Paragen: 6 days/week (one day off), 5 droppers per day, take 15-30 minutes away from borrelogen!
• Overall detoxify: dry skin brushing, dr. joseph’s colon cleanse, detox baths
• Break up biofilms and inflammation: TPP Protease 2-3 capsules, 3 times per day on an empty stomach (45 minutes before eating and at least 1 hour after eating)
• Follow protocol 2-3 months beyond the disappearance of symptoms
• Dr Joseph’s colon cleanse p. 189
• Dr. Jernigan’s mustard foot bath p. 202
• Digest enzymes to neutralize gas and toxins
• TPP Protease systemic enzyme breakup biofilms, anti-inflammatory, and immune booster (contains coq10, don’t take with mepron)
• Beyond chelatin improved for biofilms
• A low body temperature creates a happy home for viruses and chronic infections. A cold body becomes a toxic waste dump as the lymph fluid cannot wash away dead cellular debris
• Low body temperature leads to decreasing the body’s ability to carry oxygen and nutrients and leads to an acidic body
• 98.6 is ideal body temp
• Page 245: track your temperature when you first awaken in the morning before getting out of bed (coldest) and 8 - 10 pm (warmest, after having rested for a half hour). Plus/minus 1 degree = healthy person. Colder in the evening and warmer in the morning = unhealthy as well.
• Take Core Warmth to restore body temperature. Helps with numbness.
• Oral temperatures might be in range but the arms and legs are cold. If the arms and hands are tiring out after a short burst of activity, you be hypothermic and depleted of oxygen as a result of coldness. Low body temperature protocol will go a long way to restoring circulation and blood’s ability to deliver sustained supply of oxygen and nutrients to the muscles.
• Borrelia burgdoferi are anaerobic organisms and do not survive well in a high oxygen environment.
• Lower body temperature must be addressed to bring the body back to balance.
• Solum uliginosum oil for temp regulation.
• Avoid overly spicy hot foods since the body will react by attempting to cool the body down
• Heavy metals are one of the primary causes of low body temperature
• Many microbes cannot be brought back under control until the heavy metals have been removed from the body.
• Heavy metals include mercury, lead ,cadmium, palladium, platinum, arsenic and nickel. Mercury is 1000 times more toxic than lead.
• It is no easy matter to simply detox the body of heavy metals
• Guidelines for heavy metal detoxification: raise body temperature, nutritional supplements, far infrared sauna
• Marion foundation for finding biological doctors
• Fill the house with live plants!
• Visualize healing.
• 50 thoughts to live on:
o 7) What you need to learn is to never speak negative. When you have a problem, never tell more people than necessary – your brain is listening
o 15) We fear what we do not understand. The cure for fear is understanding the truth. Understanding comes from acquiring knowledge. Wisdom is gained through applied knowledge.
o 24) Action cures fear. Non-action strengthens fear.
o 25) Be an active participant in your own healing.
o 26) What you are doing today will determine your tomorrow.
o 28) The more healing you have to do, the more disciplined you have to be to get the desired healing done. The more sick you are, the more disciplined you must be to regain your health.
o 29) You are the sum total of the decisions your ancestors and you have made.
o 31) The greatest part of education is learning to think for yourself.
o 37) One must be willing to unlearn as to learn.
o 38) All life is dependent upon decision; accomplishment is attained by carrying out that decision.
o 42) If you keep doing what you’ve always done, then you will keep getting the same results.
o 43) To change your life you must change your mind
• It will help people with Lyme disease by reducing dietary sources of L-arginine
• Pay attention to what you are chewing. Chew each bite until it is smooth and easily swallowed.
• Force yourself to slowdown
• Do not drink much during a meal as this dilutes the stomach digestive juices
• Melatonin + total 5-HTP for sleep to adjust body clock to realize it’s time to go to bed
• Valor oil for neck stiffness and neck pain