Posted 3/31/2014 8:59 AM (GMT -5)
I've seen a lot of suggestions on here and other places to take the full dosage of Rifampin together instead of separately 2x a day. I guess it creates a higher spike in the blood level, and has an easier time crossing the blood brain barrier.
I'm supposed to take 300mg Rifampin 2x a day, and the last couple days I took the full 600 in one dose, and I definitely noticed more brain reaction. I got the frontal Bart headaches that I haven't had in a while, could feel it reaching deeper into my pain areas, and on top of that I felt better than I have in a while.
I also spoke to a couple people who told me they are on 600 mg of Rifampin 2x a day, and that this has the best brain penetration. They suggested I ask my LLMD to up my dose.
Is anyone else on that high of a dose, or have any experience with taking the full dose once a day? I'm kind of scared taking it all at once because I'm worried that it won't stay in my blood the full day. If I should be on 600 2x a day, how do I convince my LLMD to up me that high?
He told me if the Rifampin doesn't get the Bart, then I'm probably going to have to go on Levaquin which I'd rather avoid, and I think the Rifampin is working now that I'm up to 600mg a day, but I feel it would kick this crap right out if I could nail it hard right now.
Any input appreciated, thank you!