www.healingwell.com/community/default.aspx?f=30&m=3004460The above link is for the first part of this thread. It became so long that I was asked to begin a new one, linked to the old one!
So, here I am a few weeks later. Thanks to the input shared by other members of the forum, I went ahead and got my 3 year old tested for Lyme thru Stonybrook laboratory, which is on Long Island. She only had a few mild symptoms, ranging from low grade fevers, to bouts of throwing up (which I originally attributed to the stomach virus), a two week period of sleeping late and circles under the eyes (which I originally attributed to a growth spurt). But then she started wetting her bed, and her urine was so acidic it was causing a rash on her legs and belly - that's honestly when the red flag went up. A week after that she complained of her ankle hurting, and then a few days later the results came back. She was positive band 41 IgM
I brought her to a reputable pediatric LLMD in the city. He started her on amoxicillin 400mg three times a day (80mg/kg/day), which I thought was rather high, but he is going with an off label dosage. She seems to be handling it just fine.
He also wants her to take AL complex, starting next week. I am very weary about
that one. We will see what happens.
He also has her on florastor, omega 3 fish oil, and vitamin D.
I was so frightened to be loading her little body up with all of this stuff, but I want to make sure she beats Lyme fair and square.
For those of you who don't know my story, I believe we both got bitten on a hike back in October. My symptoms got way worse than hers, b/c in January I had major tingling, numbness in extremeties, weakness, myalgia, you name it - and once I started to believe that I had lyme, I did loads of research. If I had not gotten sick, I would not have done the research, and I would not have even suspected that my little one had Lyme. So I am forever grateful for the way things panned out - I would suffer all over again to protect each of my kids (I have 3).
I am waiting on my other two kids' lab results - and am expecting them tomorrow. I just wanted to get everyone tested, just to be sure, although I am worried that my son may have it. The reason behind this thought is bc while he was being treated with amoxicillin for an URI (which he also complained of severe stomach pains), he crawled out of bed two mornings bc his legs hurt so bad, and a circular rash appeared on his leg. If I am correct, then the amoxil brought out these symptoms bc he does indeed have lyme. (I have not d/c his amoxil for this reason, an extra two days won't hurt him, until I get the results back)If I am correct, then all I can say is, there must have been millions of ticks out on that trail.
Some asked how my little Celine is doing. She obviously herxed after a few days of her meds - she slept, and slept, and took so many naps. She also got very cranky. That passed and then she was great for a few days. Now this past weekend she has been wetting her pants and her bed nonstop - today I had to change her like 5 times. This part is killing me, bc although I am tempted to put a pull up on her during the day, I don't want her to regress. This is a tough one. I am also wondering if this is happening because it is another form of a herx?
Lastly, I have not forgotten about
the possibility of a coinfection. I haven't spoken to her Dr yet, bc he is away in China at the moment (joy), but the other day she woke up with a scratch like rash on her face. I know Bartonella can cause a streak like rash, but I don't know how long it lasts. This rash was there for maybe 3 hrs and then it was gone. Whatever the case is, I sincerely hope the amoxicillin will be enough, bc I would hate to add another antibiotic to her regimen. She is SO tiny, and so precious!!!
My heart was so heavy with worry when I brought her in for her first appointment. The Dr even asked if I was getting overwhelmed when he was going over the treatment plan with me, and I just lost it right there. But he was able to lift it up and explained that he's only treated kids with late stage lyme, since it is so difficult to detect in kids, and that it is an absolute priviledge for him to have the opportunity to treat and cure her. He also said that I really have to work on her Vibrant personality!!
Post Edited By Moderator (Traveler) : 3/24/2014 6:57:59 AM (GMT-6)