Posted 4/30/2014 4:33 PM (GMT -5)
Hi everyone,
My Western Blot for Lyme was negative. (Infectolab, Germany)
My LTT for Lyme was negative - 1 IU. (Infectolab)
My LTT for Yersinia was weak positive. (Infectolab)
My CD57 was low - 30 ("normal" range is 60-360). (Local AUS lab)
I have many symptoms of Lyme Disease, Chlamydia Pneumonia and Mycoplasma.
My doctor said a low CD57 can be associated with:
•Chronic Lyme Disease
I was confirmed immune to tuberculosis by a blood test last year (after another immunisation injection).
I've never had a blood transfusion or been sexually active.
I've been ill for over 3 years now. It began with the most terrible flu-like sickness. I was later diagnosed with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, Celiac disease and more...
Any thoughts on the likelihood of Lyme?
What else could a low CD57 mean?
Does it sometimes bear no significance to health status?
IS it actually a reliable indicator of Lyme?