Posted 5/6/2014 2:46 PM (GMT -5)
It's okay to ask...not sure how much you're supposed to use but I found all of this on the New to Lyme page:
Detoxing is extremely important when you are using any anti-infective treatments to rid the body of the Lyme bacteria.
Thanks to Deejavu for posting this.
Herxing is when bacteria dies - it creates toxins. Plain and simple.
Where do those toxins go? If a person does not detox on a daily basis, they stay in the blood, joints, tissues, colon, everywhere and cause so many problems. Thus below are detoxing instructions:
Detoxing Instructions:
Natural Fiber Brush (for dry skin brushing to open up all the pores of the body)
Here is a link so that you can see what kind of brush is being spoken of:
Epsom Salts (the more the better)
Hydrogen Peroxide (bottles of them)
Ginger (fresh) 2 - 4 tablespoons wrapped in a cloth or tea ball (or nylon hose)
Mustard Powder
Cayenne Pepper
Supplements (I use Green Vibrance ~ can be bought at the Vitamin Shoppe)
1. Detox Bath: Put the thermometer in the water to make sure the temperature is around 98 degrees, NOT warmer. (You do not want HOT water as that can make you feel worse).
As the water is running, add 4 to 6 cups of Epsom Salts and entire bottle(s) of Hydrogen Peroxide (32 oz., food grade is 3%). Some use 2 bottles.
Before getting into the bath, you will need a Natural Fiber Brush and do a "dry skin brushing" to unclog your pores always brushing toward your heart, don't forget to brush the soles of your feet too! Deejavu is not in any way affiliated with this company. This link is only provided as a visual aide.
The Epsom Salts help draw out the toxins and at the same time the magnesium absorbs into your bloodstream, most people do NOT have enough magnesium. The Hydrogen Peroxide adds oxygen into your bloodstream which lyme spirochetes hate. Try to stay in the bath a minimum of 20 to 30 minutes, the longer, the better.
Detox Baths are NOT a one time thing. One must do them daily or start off slow and eventually build up to them. One bath will not accomplish much. NOTE: Most people feel "worse" during the first week of detox baths and eventually feel better since it is a cumulative effect.
Epsom Salts and Hydrogen Peroxide: Recent research has shown that one when soaks in a bath of magnesium sulfate, both magnesium and the sulfate independently increase measurably in the blood and urine. Magnesium sulfate helps stabilize Hydrogen Peroxide so that the ultimate breakdown into H2O and free oxygen is more gradual and functional to the process of benefiting the body. This research documents the very real beneficial aspects of this bath therapy.
Actions of Bath Ingredients:
Hydrogen Peroxide: a simple non-toxic molecule of H2O2 that is beneficial in oxidizing (breaking down) toxins as well as killing anaerobic microbes. It will also detoxify pesticides and petroleum-based toxins and oxidize metals. Hydrogen Peroxide is also naturally produced by macrophages in the body to kill harmful bacteria.
The Epsom Salt Council reports this:
Magnesium is the second most abundant element in human cells and the fourth-most positivity charged ion in the body.
The National Academy of Sciences reports: Most Americans are magnesium deficient helping to account for our society's high rate of heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis, arthritis and joint pain, digestive maladies and stress-related illnesses.
Raising magnesium levels may improve heart and circulatory health, reducing irregular heartbeats, preventing hardening of the arteries, lowering blood pressure. Flush toxins and heavy metals from the cells, easing muscle pain and helping the body to eliminate harmful substances.
Ginger: functions to open up pores of the skin and increase the blood flow at the surface of the skin so that the oxygen from the hydrogen peroxide can do its work in detoxifying poisons and kill bacteria and fungi. The pores open wider so that the magnesium sulfate can be more readily absorbed. Ginger is invigorating and can stimulate perspiration for the elimination of toxins.
2. Foot Bath: There are so many "recipes" for foot baths, you can have fun with them and I do them when I am sitting at my computer or knitting on my couch relaxing.
***The Soles of the Feet have the most pores compared to any other part of the body (about 2000 pores per foot)***
Do this 2 to 3 times a day or more if you can for at least 30 minutes.
Mustard/Pepper Bath: Mix the following ingredients in warm water: Dry Mustard Powder (1 tablespoon), Cayenne Pepper (1 teaspoon), 1/2 tsp. dry Ginger Powder, 1/2 tsp. Rosemary Powder and soak for at least 30 minutes. There should be enough water to cover just above the ankles.
This foot soak is used as relief from general aches and pains, toxic headaches, increase blood and lymph circulation as well as giving a sense of well-being.
3. Dry Skin Brush: Once again, a natural fiber brush (can be found at any drug store), brush your entire body toward your heart. Purpose: Getting rid of dead skin that are clogging your pores and keeping toxins inside.
4. Internal Cleansing: Paragone is a good product to get rid of parasites that come from drinking water, eating red meat, raw fish, and processed foods. I also like "living clay" or bentonite clay to drink internally but please read the instructions as it must be taken on an empty stomach. It is a fantastic binder of toxins and heavy metals and your body will not only eliminate them but also rid your body of parasites as well. I also take Aloe Master.
NOTE: People on antibiotics should NOT drink any type of clay.
5. Building Immune System: I drink Green Vibrance Powder (contains billions of probiotics), very expensive but well worth every penny because of all the ingredients. I also take Vitamin C, B Complex, Omega-3 capsules, and other supplements.
Green Vibrance Super Food:
When a person is sick with any illness it robs the body of these much-needed nutrients.
When a person's immune system gets stronger, their body is more capable of fighting off bacteria and viruses on their own. Yes, lyme disease causes viruses too.
6. Diet: Avoid all sugar, alcohol, breads, carbs as they convert into sugar, try to eat healthy and avoid acidic foods (soda - any type is the worse thing a person could put into their body), very acidic. Drink as much filtered water as possible (adding fresh lemon is very good), at least 6 glasses a day (I don't believe in bottled water, they say it's really tap water, I personally like the Brita Walter Filter Canister).
7. Stress: Stress is detrimental to anyone's health and to try to eliminate as much stresses from your life can only benefit you. Of course there are stresses one can not avoid but one can learn how to deal with it in a healthier fashion, having a stressful day? Learn deep breathing exercises, watch a funny movie.
Good book to buy for stress is 60-Second ****zu: The Natural Way to Energize, Erase Pain, and Conquer Tension in One Minute (Paperback) by Eva Shaw****zu-Natural-Energize-Conquer/dp/0805040684/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1202250143&sr=8-1
8. When you feel strong enough, try to start exercising even if it is only yoga as stretching is so good for you and also relaxing. There is meditation if you can't exercise. As you build up your immune system you will get strong enough to do whatever exercise of you like.
Purpose: you are getting oxygen into your bloodstream and lyme bacteria hate oxygen! Plus the extra benefits of exercise is it makes you feel good mentally because it naturally raises your serotonin levels and helps with depression.
9. Find a licensed Lymphatic Drainage Therapist, LDT is another fantastic way to rid your body of toxins.
If you can start doing some of these things, your body will love you for it and you will start feeling so good!
10. Positive thinking - It takes training of the mind but you if really want to do it, you can. We all have choices on how we view life, one can choose to be negative, angry or bitter or just accept that you are ill because acceptance is half the battle with any disease and leads to a more healthy way of life by dealing with it.
What this does for Lyme: By detoxing you are ridding your body of the toxins and ammonia that lyme bacteria cause. By building up your immune system, your body can start killing off the bacteria on it's own.
Juicing or Green Smoothies
detox foot pads
sauna (if you have access to one)
liver/gallbladder cleanse
coffee enema
lymph drainage
organic body products
water testing
parasite cleanse (paragone) or any other reputable product
candida cleanse
essential oils for detoxification
magnet therapy for electromagnetic stress
Some products that reduce toxic load (and even rid the body of toxins) is Dr. Jernigan's Neuro Antitox (there are 3 different formulas (I used the CNS/PNS Formula) and also Molybdenum is helpful.
Detoxifying is much like exercising, you need to do it regularly and in consistent doses in order to get results. You won't get miracle results from one-time use.
Here's to good Health!
Post Edited By Moderator (Traveler) : 2/28/2014 4:35:30 PM (GMT-7)