Posted 5/15/2014 7:31 AM (GMT -5)
I've shared my story a few times before. Probably been infected for 20-plus years. Crashed in August, was diagnosed with definitive Erlichia, Anaplasma, Babesia and probable Lyme. Been on a variety of meds, currently Azith, Mepron, Cefdinir and Tinidazole. Alimony runs out in October. Stress about this probably contributed (caused?) the crash in August. If I don't find a better job, the kids, pets and I will lose our home. I'm a divorced mom--no boyfriend, no husband prospects.
Right now I am working a full-time job that pays me crap, selling stuff online to help make ends meet, and actively searching for a better position. In my eyes, this equates to two full-time jobs. And I'm caring for two kids, pets, a house and a yard on my own. And dealing with Lyme. And the intense, sometimes debilitating anxiety and depression that my naturopath is thinking is a result of either Babs Duncani or a previously undiagnosed Bart. And under tremendous stress from my full-time job (I have constant, weekly deadlines) and the stress of looking for a new job.
I was doing O.K. for a while. Somehow, amidst the worst of the anxiety, I managed to complete two certification courses to make me more attractive to potential employers. Charged them to my credit card ($1500), because I have no money--in fact, I'm in debt. But I figured it was an investment. Have had about 8 interviews but no luck finding a job. Today, the suicidal thoughts are back. I just feel like I'm stretched to the breaking point.
Someone else said she felt like she should be at a spa, not out driving around her kid. Can't remember who it was. But if you're reading this, imagine having no husband, caring for two kids and a house on your own (well, I share custody with my ex), working a full-time job, a part-time job, and job hunting, being terrified that you won't be able to keep a roof over everyone's heads, and dealing with the Lyme crap at the same time. Make you feel any better about your own situation?
Anyway, I need help. I don't know how I'm going to keep on. I'm so, so tired, so sick, so scared, and so hopeless. How do I keep going? What do I do next? This morning I was cursing God, asking Him why he hates me so much. I think I believe in God. Sometimes I'm not sure. Right now it feels like either there is no God, or there is and he hates me for some reason.