Posted 5/14/2014 11:40 PM (GMT -5)
I'm a 22 year old male who tends to get paranoid over things easily. The other morning in the shower I found a tick on my scrotum. (yeah it was a bad morning.) I removed it, but didn't think to keep it to see what type of tick it was. I killed the stupid thing. Anyway, it was a good size. Still flat but when I was a kid the ticks I would get were really tiny. This was a good size, brown, don't remember the color of its legs. Body was all brown though. I'm not sure when it bit me, but I was in tall grass saturday. Found it Monday morning and removed it.
Now the paranoia kicks in. I read online that the chances of contracting Lyme goes up the longer the tick in in you. So I'm kind of freaking out. It left a red bump which I know is normal, but it itches a lot. Also its been about five days, if I did get the bite on saturday, and I can't tell if there is a rash. The fact that the bite is "down there" makes it very difficult to see a rash. The males on here would probably understand. I feel fine physically, besides the annoying itch.
All in all I just want some information that suits me, because Google is no help. As I said it is hard to tell if there is a rash there due to it's location, what are other signs of the disease that appears early? Also time is a question. Some sites say it could be a week before signs show up, others say three days. When do the signs of lyme start to appear? I feel like this disease is sneaky, one that shows up later. Meaning I'm going to worry myself every morning, wondering if signs will show up or not. As I said, no fever, chills, muscle aches, or anything. But as I said it seems like it could be a few more days before that happens. All I got right now is a red bump on my scrotum that itches quite badly. Oh and the bump is smaller than a dime. Hope thats a good sign.
Hope I can get some reliable info. Thanks.