Posted 5/28/2014 10:12 PM (GMT -5)
Lymebites treatment has helped, I don't get it severe like I used to and now might get it for an hour or so once every month. I am waiting to see since it has warmed up if I get it anymore.
Giftcreations I've been going from doctor to doctor trying to figure out what the heck was wrong, especially once the dizziness started but went to a neurologist and he still had no clue, said it was fibromyalgia. Finally went to a doctor that other went to who couldn't get anywhere with the clueless ones. I rode horses all the time in the woods but never even considered Lyme but I do think I was checked but through lab corp back when I first got sick but it was negative. I only have 3 bands positive and 2 band ind, so I was started on A-L complex and I started herxing at 8 drops. My next visit they added ANX.
Good luck with treatment, after 6 months I am feeling a lot better.