Posted 6/1/2014 5:20 PM (GMT -5)
This is an excellent thread, and I just couldn't pass it by!
I became convicted as to the importance of detoxing in the fall of 2008, and have had almost 6 years to mull over the issue and to sharpen my understanding. I agree with 95% of the statements made by LoveTheLight. However, I would like to add a few thoughts of my own for clarification. I also disagree about one particular statement that was made by several people.
Unfortunately my daughter Heather was put on high adult doses of several ABX without detoxing. I had not yet gotten up to speed about a lot of issues and so the doctor's ignorance caused Heather to suffer terribly. I literally stopped working for 1.5 years and went into full time research mode during that time. Within a few months of ABX treatment I became convicted as to the centrality of detoxing to regain health. I gradually added a lot of detoxing methods, and she gradually felt better to the point that she had only a few relatively mild symptoms. We discovered that detoxing was a very large issue for her to get better. However after ABX and herbal treatments were discontinued, she relapsed within a few months even though we were still aggressively detoxing. The point I'd like to make is that detoxing may be only one of the issues that impact the integrity of the immune system. It will vary from person to person. My daughter's immune system did not spontaneously rebound even with pristine diet and and an intelligently and aggressively applied detox regimen. Detoxification MAY be only one of several "keys" to regain health.
I was with my daughter 24/7 for 1.5 years. Her detoxing regimen was very expensive and labor intensive. It paid off handsomely, but it still wasn't THE KEY ISSUE for Heather. It was one of SEVERAL KEY ISSUES for Heather. Her suppressed immune system required the intelligently applied intervention that only a properly trained physician could provide. I have seen quite a few people that have not quite been able to fully recover despite a well applied detoxing strategy. When I say this I am not minimizing the necessity for detoxing, but it may not even be the major issue for some people.
After seeing some of LoveTheLight's detoxing methods it brings back memories of the methods that we used as well for our daughter. Our approach was very similar. Almost everyone on this forum thought that I was crazy when i provided a detailed list of all the methods that I used. I had an advantage because I was with my daughter 24/7 while others cannot do that.
I could create a list of approximately 40-50 different methods that I had used over about a 2 year period. The average forum member would take a look at it and suffer bewilderment because they don't have the time or the financial resources to use the same extensive list of methods. OK then, lets streamline the process. I can envision at least 2 possible approaches. We can take a cue from the Hansa Center where my daughter was cured. They use the Jernigan Antitox herbal products to be taken internally. They also use various cold lasers, therapeutic massage, FIR sauna, Ionic Foot Detox, Mustard Bath, LUX, ST8, and other treatments to promote detoxification. They also sometimes recommend detox baths with epsom salt and hydrogen peroxide as well as enemas, colonics, and coffee enemas to be done by the patients themselves.
When I consider what the Hansa Center employs for detoxification and what I accidentally fell upon when I developed my own detox regimen for my daughter- a pattern emerges. IT IS MOST BENEFICIAL TO ENGAGE AS MANY OF THE BODY'S CHANNELS OF DETOXIFICATION AS POSSIBLE. ALSO, IT IS MOST BENEFICIAL TO EMPLOY AS MANY MODES OF PHYSICS AS POSSIBLE, i.e PHYSICAL/KENETIC, ENERGETIC, OSMOTIC, BIOCHEMICAL, THERMAL, INTERNAL, EXTERNAL, ETC.
LoveTheLight's various approaches really coincides with my approach and that of the Hansa Center. I sometimes have seen the posts of people that don't really believe in detoxing in general. Also some people think that liver and kidney support is enough. That is a huge mistake! You don't want to drag 100% of the toxins through your poor liver and kidney/bladder. There is no virtue in that- only misery.
I would definitely support the liver and kidneys. Employ liver flushes and coffee enemas to clean out the liver. I would also spread out the workload. The skin is potentially the largest channel of detoxification by far. Use it with various methods such as regular sauna/ FIR sauna, Ionic Foot/Mustard Detox, Epsom Salt/H2O2 baths, Skin Brushing etc. You will also want to clean your colon and kidneys with psyllium seed and bentanite. Yes eat lots of green foods high in chlorophyll such as chlorella and spirulina.
Heat is a great catalyst for anything that you do to treat the illness. If you don't address that issue, detoxification will be hindered. That is why exercise is so helpful. Dress warm and get out into the fresh air on warm days. Frequent warm baths are very helpful.
You want to maximize the effectiveness of detoxification. Below are various categories according to which you may want to think about detoxing.
Internal (food and herbal supplements by ingestion through mouth)
External (various physical and energetic treatments)
Heat (Exercise, warm clothes, biomat, Sauna/FIR Sauna, warm bath)
Liver (milk thistle/silymarin, liver flush, coffee enema)
Kidneys (bentanite clay)
Lymph Glands and Pathways (therapeutic massage, foot reflexology, ionic foot detox, cold laser, heat, herbs, lymph plate machine)
Colon (psyllium,bentanite, chlorophyll, enema, colonic, diet)
Skin (sauna, ionic foot detox, baths of various types)
BioChemical (herbal supplements, cleansing food)
BioEnergetic of various types (cold laser, ionic foot detox, Biomat, FIR sauna)
Physical (exercise, foot reflexology, therapeutic massage)
Osmotic (epsom salts/H2O2 bath, mustard bath)
Kinetic (rebounder, trampoline, lymph plate machine)
Lots of high quality water
Body PH (7.0-7.2, slightly alkaline body assists detoxification, eat proper diet, water w/ freshly squeezed lemon)
Proteolytic enzymes (helps thin blood of debris and unhealthy deposits)
Emotional Detox (Mind/Body Connection)
EMF remediation
Heavy Metal Detox
There is a lot more that could be said. I am just throwing out some ideas that may assist you in organizing your thinking.