I agree with what Opugirl is saying here. Lyme causes sooo many different symptoms that it's easy to just push the blame on Lyme, or doubt that Lyme can cause all of those symptoms! I was in denial for about
6 years!
Do you keep a symptom journal? This is a very effective way to see what your symptoms may be indicating as you can relate it back to what was going on during that time.
If you are truly concerned about
cancer, heart issues, and the more serious stuff like that, then by all means, get it checked out. Peace of mind is priceless. Your tailbone hurting could be from Neuro Lyme though, the thin skin is a symptom of the ACA rash seen in the late stages of Lyme disease for some, frozen shoulder - another Lyme symptom for some, and depending on the exact spot on your foot that the nodule showed up, it could be a Morton's Neuroma (
Have you tried heat for your shoulder? Ice may work better for some.
Do you take anything for inflammation? Reducing the inflammation helps with pain (even in the tailbone sometimes) for many. For natural inflammation help, a combination of turmeric, boswellin, and ginger works well for many and it helps with the pain in turn.
Just some thoughts.... I hope you find answers and relief soon!