Posted 7/4/2014 7:36 PM (GMT -5)
I never did post my igenex results, and though my LLMD and LLND are convinced I have Lyme, I just want to get your thoughts opinions...
IFA: 80
PCR Multiplex-B urines: Plasmid-B burgdorferi - positive
Igm - negative
**31 IND
**39 IND
**41 +
(What do the * mean, anyway?)
Igg - negative
**41 +
So the western blot was negative, but my PCR urine was positive. So LLMD said I have positive Lyme tests based on that...
My confections all came back negative which my LLMD says is weird. I still suspect I have at least one... I think Bart, but of course I could be wrong.
What are your thoughts? Could it be something else??
My symptoms have been all over the place lately. I had about two weeks in a row that were pretty good (certainly not symptom free, but functional) followed by a week of crap! And my symptoms fluctuate from day to day so much... One day joint pain/muscle pain, then severe depression, then extreme fatigue, followed by swollen throat feeling/air hunger, migrating pains, etc etc. I don't feel like there's much of pattern that i can see yet.
Just worried it could be something else...
Anyone similar with their symptoms?
Been treating 11 weeks now.