Posted 7/26/2014 11:04 AM (GMT -5)
Good morning! My daughter recently completed 6 weeks of IV antibiotics. She had a CDC positive test from Igenex, 2.5 months of oral antibiotics with little to no improvement, and we had no problem getting the IV covered by insurance. Once the doctor decided she needed IV, he called the lab, the lab called insurance and approval was given in one day with no coaxing, arguing, etc needed which surprised me! It was only approved for a short term, 6 weeks. The insurance required that the line be pulled after 6 weeks and my daughter re-evaluated. Her re-evaluation is next Thursday and doctor does think she will need another round of the IV antibiotics. Whether or not the insurance will approve it as easily as they did the first round, remains to be seen.
She was very lucky and had no adverse effects, GI or otherwise, with the IV antibiotics.
I know that the various insurance companies handle things differently. Hope you don't have a problem with yours.
Hope this helps!