Hey people,
I am very happy to have found self help forums after 4 years of dealing with lyme.
In these four years I wasn't sure if I am infected with lyme up until the last year where it became more and more clear.
On my left foot sole I had a chronic skin inflammation (aca)
for years with watering bubbles (sorry for my englisch I am german)
I am a bit of a mystic and I feel that lyme twisted my psyche a bit more so I might be strange to you guys.
Also I was experiences a kind of suffocating heat incredible chronic neck pains and headache like a tight helmet.
I couldnt do yoga because it was to painful and i became so stiff that I couldnt bear the vibrations from riding a bus.
Riding bus or sitting upright for some time would get me so tense and increase neckpain and headache.
Somehow I managed school though and have university qualification but my lyme time in school was hell from 17-19.
Now I am almost cured and 22.
I became very isolated but yet I was lucky because my mother is an incredible yogini and spiritual practicer since 20-30 years.
So I spent the last 3-4 years reading buddhist books like a crazy cave yogi :D:D
And I kind of lived on the nutritious mystical and secret connection that I could get trough these books.
Without treating lyme I even traveled though australia with my best friend who is like a mix of a cool busniss student saint angel and seagull.
I find that lyme disease makes you very creative and gives you good intuition sensitivity for life forces in nature and love for truth and ancient wisdom.
So also I experience the shallowness of human pleasure when I was suffocated by neckpains and hedache but yet living at palm beach in a 10 million mansion with a crazy hippy dominatress called madame lash that heritaed the house from a dead customer haha
surfing the australian sea and eating hallucinogenic mescaline cacti from ebay listening to soulful house mixes
But I tell you lyme disease is a strict teacher no matter how hard you try to enjoy the pain is inescapable and its really hard to enjoy yourself :D:D
But lyme is a good grinding device that destroys you as a fragile narrow person and turns you into a shaman buddha mighty sun god to conquer these dark nagging forces that invite their friends into your mighty temple of human body.
So now my most potent tools that I want to share are teasel tea everyday 1 to 3 teaspoons, 3 times a day a 2cl shot of 10ppm colloidal silver, curcuma great fruity veggie foods.
Also daily running tai chi (rather qi gong very) swimming in a lake walking in the forrest listening to classical music liquid drum and bass.
To me doing chi gong in nature is incredible you can soak up the light prana chi life force all around you by these moves and aktivate your light body or immune system.
Also St johns root brings a lot of light into my life and
opens me to the nutrious sunlight.
Valerian root is also very good I feel it puts lyme and body to rest.
To me it is a sweet blueish licorize tranquilizer that brings your whole system to rest.
WHen I take it I wake up cozy without going into the depressed lyme and daily gind mind immediatly, also I need less sleep.
There where times when I needed loots of sleep and Sitting lying walking every immaginable move was unbearibly painful because the body was contracted into a very strange fearful and careful state.
And I became somehow a bit of a lonly strange crazy nerd that people would refer to as drug wreck because they didnt know I had lyme.
So I was yawning all the time beeing very exhausted hopeless.
This chronic yawning was connected with neck pains a feeling of something stuck in the throat or so and not getting enough oxygene.
Also my voice became very damped and strange and I became a bit sinister out of desperation.
What also seems to me like the ultimate exit out of this painful existence is beeing with holy men.
I have met many tibetan lamas and some powerful hindu masters.
There presence is very recommended as a means of healing psychological problems caused by lyme and one sage from india sad holy peoples presence cures every mental and physical illness.
To me their presence is like a shower of bliss peace nutrition love cozy humor healing holy wind.
So if you want check out Mooji a hindu master he is very available 3 puplic retreats a year one is in rishikesh for 3 weeks and for free haha the other 2 are for one week and in portugal. Also he has loads of videos on youtube!! Teaching you how to move from person to presence. Being empty light and childlike.
I sat with him in Portugal and he really hepls to eradice the person that is suffering lyme and replacing it with bliss :D:D bcaoming child like again.
Also my immunesystem was boosted by the joy it brought me to do an internship in a kindergarden.
To me bananas and chocolate also seem to help a bit to be more positive.
So I am running out of juice may this give a bit of nutrition and grace and inspiration to you
I am almost healed the yawning and suffocating feeling tiredness is almost gone lots of energy.
I feel teasel root did the trick!!
just slight neck pains, one more thing I do many hot baths recently something like 42 degrees it seems potent to me also cistus tea might be effective against lyme and maybe also clove which is a worm killer.
Blessings from Germany Kris
Post Edited (Discopuma) : 7/29/2014 4:06:10 PM (GMT-6)