Posted 8/5/2014 5:35 PM (GMT -5)
Hi -
I would ask your LLMD, if you can do that. But if not, I would start very slowly (as in, 1 drop in water).
My story: I have lyme, Babesia, and Bartonella (not sure what else but LLMD thinks there is more). I started treatment with her in January and we started with viral and anti fungal treatments and support of immune system (boy, was I sick).
We started herbal treatment for the lyme in May. I started with AL-Complex (for lyme) and I'm up to one dropper 2x/day—held steady for 1 month. We added in A-Bab and A-Bart 3 wks ago. Dosage is a very personal thing—what works for one person likely doesn't work for someone else, especially where herbal tinctures are concerned—and the other meds/supps you're taking and how much you're detoxing are also huge factors in dosage.
I started with 1 drop ea per day, had no reaction so used 3 drops the second day, had no reaction. Increased it to 3 drops 2x/day—for 3 days in a row and had no reaction. I increased again to 9 drops 2x/day for another week and had minimal reactions. A week or so later, I'm holding at 18 drops 2x/day and will continue to increase every week until I'm at 1 dropper ea. Once I'm at one dropper 2x/day for each of A-Bab and A-Bart I will start increasing AL-Complex to 2 droppers 2x/day. If I tolerate that well, I think my LLMD is switching me to abx for the lyme and will continue with herbs for the Babesia and Bartonella.
But there are posters here who could barely tolerate a drop or two of herbs.
So, again, I would start out with one drop and if you're good, take another one at the end of the day… "titrate" up slowly until you feel your symptoms increase, etc. but go slowly. Hope this helps -