Posted 9/2/2014 2:13 PM (GMT -5)
I have been on the Synergy Protocol for Morgellons which is highly linked with Lyme disease. I've treated for 6 months and am very positive about this treatment.
You can say whatever you want about the creator of the protocol and his bad behavior, but this protocol is very well thought out, and I don't know about others, but for me has been extremely powerful. The benefits have been palpable. There has been increased stamina, clearing of brain fog, low core body temperature that ranged from 95.5 through 97.9° since initial infection four years ago, has gone back to the 98° range. In Chinese medicine, low core body temperature means the body is fighting infection.
The fibers associated with Morgellons syndrome were becoming greatly reduced. The herpes virus that became so much more virulent with the onset of Morgellons, has become a back burner issue. This protocol addresses all infection in the body, including viruses, protozoa, mycoplasma, spirochetes, bacteria, fungus and parasites. I'm sure I'm missing some of the other infections, but you get the picture.
Don chose each item in the protocol to address at least three aspects of infection. At the same time everything is fighting infection, the protocol, addresses and greatly reduces inflammation. I can tell that, because the arthritis I have in my foot, which was fairly crippling over the years, got incredibly better while on the protocol.
There are issues that make this a very difficult protocol to go through, at least for me, and that was learning to identify a severe herx. reaction. It is up to each individual to understand their limits and stay within bounds, otherwise they can get into trouble.
I went off the protocol because I was feeling so many heart issues that I became frightened. It appears that everyone on the protocol has had some measure of these sensations in the heart. Don contends that Bartonella, which sets up shop in the endothelial tissue (heart), needs to die off, and hence the symptoms. In my case, there was pressure on the chest and air hunger. I even felt some 'pings' in the heart. Other symptoms of die off not necessarily related to the heart, were some bouts of anxiety every now and then and exhaustion, hot flashes, chills...The list was long but these stand out the most.
Because I didn't know what was happening to me and the heart symptoms reached a new peak (brought on by own inexperience of upping dosages too fast), I stopped the protocol. If instead, I had just dropped back, I would've seen that I was going through a herx. I was concerned up to the point that I went to the hospital and a subsequent stress test, heart monitoring for two days, and sonogram of the heart, showed no difficulties. They said my heart function was beautiful, even though I have had a previous heart attack many years back. The feelings I was having in the heart completely went away after 3 days.
This alleviated my fear and now I am back on the protocol. Don was adamant about not stopping, yet I did anyway, because I needed confirmation that I wasn't injuring myself.
A couple of things people should know…
The original protocol called for lower dosages of Moringa powder and Dragon's Blood. It also did not contain MSM or Silver Sol. These were additions that Don put in after having gone through the protocol itself. He continues to research and felt that these additions would support the healing process even more. Where I ran into the problem was increasing MSM, which should have been done much slower. Also, some people have had a lot of problems adding in the Silver. When I get to the point of adding silver, I will do it using a dropper and increase the dosage only by one drop, until I reach my threshold.
There are a few of us on this protocol, and it's not easy, but if you're careful and move slowly, the rewards are quite worth it. We have all seen improvement even as we journey the die-offs. This is a very strong regimen and one should not dose up quickly or they will get into trouble. Don may have been off putting to many, but don't be too quick to throw the baby out with the bathwater.