Posted 9/10/2014 4:14 PM (GMT -5)
Agree with Razzle 110%!
In my humble opinion, your FMD obviously does not know enough about these tests. At the very least he should've referred you to a specialist for further investigation/treatment. It looks like your results are far from OK. My guess is that your FMD thinks the results are negative because you are not CDC positive. Your Igenex results may be Igenex positive on the IgM, but I am not sure if they count the IND when determining a positive result.
If you start a new thread titled "Need LLMD/LLND in (name of your city & state)" someone should be able to provide a list of local LLMDs/LLNDs. Be sure to enable your email in the forum.
Your best next step would be to take these results plus a list of you symptom history to an LLMD or LLND.
Good luck to you and let us know how it goes!