MedicalNerd said...
Traveler said...
Actually, I have had it go away! My foot/leg pain would get so bad that I could only stand for 10 minutes without having to sit down or start bawling from the pain. BUT... I don't have Bart symptoms any longer - haven't since I finished my Bart treatment back in Dec of 2011.
Now here's the kicker - I got foot pains very similar to the Bart foot pain with the Neuro Lyme that I just got reinfected with!!
It's not Bartonella though, because once I'm back to using my Lyme herbs it only took about 2 weeks of treatment for it to go away again. So it could also be from Neuro Lyme.
What is pain or burning? I have the worst burning like acid or sunburn but worse. Just started after clindomycin. What did u take for bart herbs? You've never taken antibiotics for any of this , just herb treatment only? Sounds amazingYes, it felt at times like a sunburn or acid, but also I had sharp, shooting pains as well - kind of an "all inclusive' pain experience, if you will. LOL.
If it started after the start of any treatment, that means that the symptoms are from you herxing - as that is the definition of herxing.
Yes, herb only treatment for me, as I couldn't tolerate (as I like to term it) the big guns of antibiotics. They created way too much die off for my body to be able to handle, so I had to be able to not only regulate the strength of my treatments, but I had to start off on very small doses and work up slowly, as the herxing allowed, as well as needing a whole lot of detoxing before and during treatments It was quite a project, but I dedicated myself to it, and managed to do it.
I feel that Stephan Buhner is correct - the body is intelligent and can heal itself, if given the right tools. With these infections, it's like those tools got lost, so I needed to help my body 'remember' what to do and when to do it a lot of times. That's why detoxing, digestion, and healing each area became the foundation of my overall healing.
Treating chronic, late stage Lyme is like trying to put a shotgun shell back together after it's been fired from the shotgun. There is one disease, but it causes a cascade of issues in the body - so we have to address all that has now been altered in some way, and then go after the root cause - the infections. That's not to mention those other infections that we likely have, since Lyme lowers the immune function in order to protect it's own survival. So we have those issues to tackle as well.
I started off with Lyme treatment, and then 9 months later added in Bart treatment. I used what is commonly known as the "Chronic Tonic" on this forum. You can look for posts talking about
it by using the search feature on this forum, but the original post I made on the formula can be found here: 9 months of using only the Chronic Tonic, I added in Houttuynia to help treat my Bartonella and didn't have to add anything else. After 9 more months of both of those, my Lyme and my Bart infections were healed - but the damage they did was not healed. I had to go on and help my body heal the damage after that.