Posted 9/30/2014 8:57 AM (GMT -5)
Hi all...been a while and hope you're all well and on the road to healing.
Thought I would share my new article about Lyme. As many of you know I am an LLNP who also had chronic Lyme (in remission 5 years) so I am passionate about Lyme and healing from it.
These are the tips I used and also give to my patients.
hope they help you guys out
The 5 ways to heal faster from Lyme Disease
It's bad enough to be diagnosed with Lyme Disease, it's another thing to try heal from it. Lyme Disease is the fastest growing infectious disease in North America and many people are being misdiagnosed or going undiagnosed since many MD's do not know how to properly test or treat Lyme.
When Lyme goes untreated, it becomes chronic and once it becomes chronic, it's extremely difficult to treat and recover from. Lyme sufferers then look for healing by going from doctor to doctor, trying loads of supplements / herbs and before you know it, they've spend a small fortune looking for help and they're just not getting any better.
The good news is you can participate in your own healing from Lyme. If you think you may have Chronic Lyme or have been official diagnosed with it there are effective ways you can prepare the body so it has a fighting chance to heal more completely.
In my own healing from chronic Lyme, I had many trials and errors and spend an enormous amount of money on practitioners and supplements. All of which didn't help because I didn't know about the 5 ways to heal faster from Lyme. I became a certified Naturopath and made it my mission to heal myself from Chronic Lyme then go on to heal others and become an LLNP (Lyme Literate Naturopathic Practitioner).
Here's are the 5 ways to heal faster with Lyme Disease
1- Eat a clean diet; Start with cutting out all gluten (removing gluten make the digestion run effectively), consume large amounts of raw vegetables (or juice them), stay away from all processed foods, sugars, sodas, caffeine and eat 5 small protein meals per day. A clean diet increases energy and will increase immunity and lower inflammation. All of which speeds up healing.
2- Detoxing; Detoxing on any given day is important but when you have Lyme, it's imperative. When a bacteria like Lyme is killed off, it creates bio-toxins. The body then needs to process and eliminate these bio-toxins through the liver, but if the body is really toxic it will struggle to eliminate them. You do not need fancy or expensive detox kits to start. Simple, inexpensive detoxes are; Lemon water, milk thistle, clean foods, Epson detox baths, Gemmotherapies, Vitamin B Complex, decrease environmental toxins, no alcohol, no smoking, light stretching and lymph drainage. If you prepare your body by detoxing before starting any Lyme protocol, your healing will be successful.
3- Build up your adrenals glands; The adrenal glands are the first area of the body to be effected by chronic illness and they also dictate health and recovery from chronic illness. The best ways to reduce Adrenal Fatigue is to lower stress, eat protein with every meal, eat protein as the first meal of the day, sleep 8-10 hours a night, take Vitamin C and B and Maca Root Powder
4- Reduce stress; Stress lowers our immunity, so a great way to reduce stress is to exercise, deep breathing, write daily in a journal, meditate, express and confront your emotions and be gentle with yourself.
5- Keep your gut/digestion in good shape. Our intestines are the control center to our entire body and the majority of our immune system is lining the gut and that lining is only one-cell thick, so it needs to be cared for. Gut health includes: Taking a daily good cold source Probiotic (not yogurt), no gluten, no dairy, eat clean, L Glutamine, drinks lots of water, make 1-2 bowel movements a day and lower stress.
Our bodies are designed to heal when we get them the right tools