Unfortunately, bands 18 & 41 are for the tail of the bacteria and can cross react with other spirochetal infections such as Relapsing Fever, Pintas and Yaws, Syphilis and a few others as well.
Do NOT let this deter you though!! Many don't have a positive test at first! My LLMD didn't even want to bother with a test until I had had many months of abx to get my immune system to finally respond to the bacteria instead of just trying to live along side of it!
I'm sorry, but I don't remember your details - are you in treatment? Do you have a LLMD? If so, did you discuss what would happen if your test came back negative? Many times the LLMD will have the patient take 2 - 6 weeks of abx and test again.
We have to remember that Lyme suppresses the one thing these tests look for - an immune response. These tests do not look for the bacteria itself unless you are getting a PCR test done.
The reason why we suggest either Igenex or Stony Brook labs is because they not only have trained their lab techs how to properly perform and read the test, they use the proper testing medium to begin with. They are more expensive due to these factors, but Igenex offers a program to help those that meet certain financial criteria through Lyme tap: