Posted 11/1/2014 12:30 AM (GMT -5)
Hey guys, I'm sorry I'm making so many topics, but you guys are very good at answering questions lol.
My doctor prescribed me 500 mg of levaquin Monday Wednesday and Fridays on the instructions, yet on my instructions it says one a day...
- I can't call them as their office is shut for a week... I've only been take it a few weeks on those three days.. but does this sound off, like I'm suppose to be taking this every day? Because she gave me minocycline to go with it, on only three days, and the minocycline is a small amount but lasts a couple of months.. on the other hand, the levaquin she gave me was for 30 days with a refill... matching the minocycline.. so I feel like I'm suppose to be taking this every day? I know bartonella has a fast growth, so I want to make sure I'm not letting it build resistance with days off, or that's not enough... by the way I handle floroquines fine.. No problem with them, so I'm ok with taking them.
Also is it ok to take buhners bart herbs with this? My detoxing has gotten better, and I'm handling herxes better, and I'm really ready to get at least bartonella out of me, I think it's causing the majority of my problems.