Posted 11/16/2014 10:49 PM (GMT -5)
Another good thing about being healthy and physically fit is that we're the ones who notice the change in our health the easiest and know we've come in contact with and identify these tick-borne diseases. It
sounds like you are describing mostly Bartonella symptoms, a lot of which I've been experiencing lately through Herxing from the Houttuynia Leaf and Lakato Bark treatment I'm on, but I had only experienced a
few Bart symptoms prior, because the Lyme was the dominant force in my infection, possibly because I had had a mostly dormant infection of it for maybe 20 years before the acute infection I incurred 2-1/2
years ago. The tick bites and the cat scratches could be the cause of Bartonella, or even both, as Bart is very prevalent in cats and the most common tick-borne co-infection. Bart has many different rash
presentations, but I hear they often appear in the armpit area, as well as manifesting in swollen, sore lymph nodes in and around the armpit area and sides of upper back, as well as subcutaneous hard lymph
nodules anywhere in the body, but most often the arms and legs. If I were a doc and I'm not, I would give you a clinical diagnosis of Bartonella, and treat for that with ABX or herbals or both while I waited to
see if Babs or Lyme are somewhat dormant in Bart's prevalence. Once you've suppressed Bart, the others may or may not come out, and may or may not need treatment. Your Lyme test will help in deciding that.