OK, Lyme being cool is a stretch! But I've got to find SOMETHING happy in this day to smile about
Do any of you have something fun or funny to share about
your LD experience? I know some of us have a twisted sense of humor and perhaps we can find something to laugh at in this sick disease.
I have the symptom of
"Electromagnetic (EM) sensitivity (electrical storms, full moon, affect function of electrical devices)" listed in the master list of symptoms in the "New To Lyme" thread. When I was a teen I thought my abilities to affect electronics must be some kind of superpower I hadn't yet figured out how to wield, hahaha!
When I drive, the street lights go out. If the lights aren't on yet, they turn on when I drive by them. Now that I live in NYC and don't drive, I notice the lampposts in the park do this when I can muster the energy to go out for a jog. If those lamps are off, they flash right on when I run under them. If they are on, they go right out or flicker when I pass them. Pretty cool!
Don't get me started on the number of work laptops I've killed!!! Once, at my first day on the job, I told my team around the meeting table how I always have trouble with electronics. I said I usually need a new work laptop within 6 months and no one knows why--I am tech savvy and don't abuse my machines. My boss & teammates looked suspicious. I turned on the new laptop my boss had just handed me: it made a crazy loud whirring sound, got even louder, hummed into high pitch, then made a popping sound and started smoking like we were in a movie scene! That afternoon the tech department determined that the laptop's motherboard had blown. A brand new computer died on me for NO REASON in front of several witnesses....I'm innocent! Hahahaaa!
I wish I could figure out how to use this to rig the lottery!