Posted 12/5/2014 2:25 PM (GMT -5)
Thanks for that info - very interesting. I have read that a lot of LLMDs like to treat Bart first because it is so tough. I have to admit that when I first started treatment, I was SO OVERWHELMED and so sick and was just barely "in the room." I'm on my own so I didn't question too much.
As I've started to improve (in some ways, not others) I am able to do more research and be more proactive and I feel like I'm slowly getting a handle on the treatment. But I think your post is reminding me that it might be good to have this discussion about bart with my LLMD again.
I think I was also all "tested" out after spending $2k or so just getting started. We provoked for my IGeneX WB and got a CDC-positive result. But while the Fry Labs test was positive for Bart, LLMD didn't think it was positive enough for insurance to cover anything and at the time I was having some success w/ Byron White formulas.
Babs microti and duncani both came up negative, but babs sx are my most prominent (although that may have changed recently since starting the Rocephin). So, LLMD decided to start treating whatever was the least path of resistance (w/ insurance co.) If I had a sound mind and a little more strength and cognitive engagement at the time, I may have challenged that! I had quite a few other roadblocks just to get to this point to start w/ the abx (I first made an appt w/ LLMD Aug of 2013, and didn't start herbs until May 2014 and finally started abx Nov 2014. It's been an arduous start.
Anyway, I am very much interested in your journey with the Rocephin since I think our treatment is in parallel as far as timing goes. Did you discover your infection recently? SORRY—just saw your salutation. You were tested awhile back. What prompted you to start treatment again? I think I was confused by that.