Ya know.....I subscribed to this thread because it really touched my heart and soul. Thank you, Healing, for starting it.
I'm pretty new to Lyme but can already relate to many of the feelings shared on here. In fact, I'm so new that I didn't feel comfortable sharing at first but that changed this morning when I came here.
Lyme is a very lonely thing to deal with. My husband hears much of what it's like for me but I can tell he's already tired of hearing about
it....and that's understandable. There's so much life to be lived and I want to enjoy my life - it's hard when symptoms distract us.
I don't share much with my kids because I don't want to worry them but I do share some stuff so they'll hopefully understand why I'm not doing all that I used to do.
I don't share anything with my mother who was my rock through all of my life challenges. Reason being: she's struggling so very much since the two strokes she had in 2012.
Bottom line, I realized I don't have any Christmas spirit. In fact, I almost feel apathetic about
it which, in some warped way, feels OK to me. Somehow, life has been feeling surreal to me....not sure if it's because my "baby" will be off to college next year or if the Lyme is causing this or what. It is what it is and I somehow don't feel regretful about
I, too, was one to decorate extensively....a touch of Christmas in every room. I baked easily 12 different types of
cookies and made trays for people. And, I baked 3 different kinds of muffins to serve as part of our annual Christmas Eve brunch.
The big tree became part of the past either last year or the year before....not because I was affected by Lyme but because I felt the work involved just didn't justify the small benefit for me - especially since life was so very hectic after my mother's strokes in 2012. No one in my family likes to hang lights and no one is interested in hanging ornaments. I have this 40" tall, slim artificial tree that is part of my regular decor...it now has mini lights on it (that I never took off lol) and I hang my small ornaments on it.
The 10" of snow we got the day before Thanksgiving somehow squelched what I considered my opportunity to put the small lighted snowman out in the yard along with the string of lights I hang on my outdoor baker's rack that is visible through the kitchen window. (hubby hasn't been interested in hanging lights since before I met him lol)
My sisters keep texting pics of their Christmas decor and, most recently, their fully decorated live trees. I don't even care....as horrible as that sounds.
My autumn wreath is still on the front door lol
I expect to feel a bit of Christmas spirit today because this is the day my very immediate family and I travel to my mother's assisted living facility for our Christmas celebration with her. The place is always beautifully decorated and the staff wonderful.
My mother fully enjoys the visit - especially with the addition of my darling granddaughter who is now 18 months old. I've tried to help my mother carry on her tradition of small gift bags for everyone and I'm basically her elf. She has been quite worried this year since her memory is pretty much gone and, last night, she was upset at the thought of not having gifts for anyone....I spent much time comforting her and reminding her that everything had been taken care of.
It's been hard being there for her as I struggle with Lyme but I feel it's a gift since it's enriched our relationship....and that's what I've been focusing on this season.
I've been blessed with a wonderful family...a very supportive husband and 3 loving sons - 2 with loving mates. My granddaughter just started addressing me by "name". Even though everyone has been referring to me as "grandma", I am "mema" to my granddaughter. She runs to me for a hug with a big smile on her face calling out "mema, mema". It doesn't get any better than that :)
So, instead of the glitz and glimmer, I'm focusing on warmth and love....and it feels really good (and somewhat liberating, actually ;)
And, I must say that I'm finding the people on this forum to be some of the most genuine, caring people who have ever crossed my path. It's amazingly wonderful.
Merry Christmas everyone! May 2015 be the turning point for all of us.
Post Edited (cd3764) : 12/7/2014 5:52:19 AM (GMT-7)