Posted 12/9/2014 3:53 PM (GMT -5)
Okay, at first glance, this looks like a lot, bit cluttered too, but.. I would appreciate the help, even if it's just you contributing an answer or two, if you have the time or a care.
I'd like to make a little video touching on the questions I've listed further down in the submission. Something simple, not too hard to digest for the layperson.
But, before I get into this, I'd just like to say that I know this isn't going to be anything new, profound, revolutionary, anything like that. I know it'll likely get next to no attention, and that it's probably not going to make even the slightest difference on the state of things. Futhermore, it kind of goes without saying, but it's not going to be any amazing feat of cinematography either.
All of that said, if you don't care to offer any assistance or deem it a waste of your time, I will totally understand. For most, days spent are precious, especially for those in our conditions. To be upfront, though I am going to put it online, this is mainly for me, my heart. Yes, while I know that it is something I could probably do on my own, though my mind is not at all what it used to be, what it was even a couple months ago, but I guess would just like to get a little input from the community as well. 'Cause, yeah, I said it's for me, and it is, but, at the same time, one can't deny that this Lyme stuff is about all of us - we're all in this.
I don't want it to just be from my perspective. I want your pain, some of your experiences, with the disease too.
So, do think you guys could offer up some answers to these questions (all, if you're up to it) and I'll try to make a good combination of them all? Not just the people who've a wealth of knowledge on the subject, while said knowledge is both wanted and very much needed, but anyone who feels they can give a legitimate response. I would like everyone to feel like they can be a part of it.
Anyway, here they are:
(First off, I realize some of these could be easily answered using information from the "New to Lyme" thread, but some of your own individual answers would be cool too.)
- What is Lyme disease?
- How do you get it? How does it function, upon infection?
- Why does it need to be taken seriously? What sort of effects does it have on the body, mind, the lives of those infected? (There are tons of symptoms and implications, but try to generalize a bit.)
- Provide summarization of the negligence of the healthcare system (lacking treatments, faulty tests, misinformation)?
- Experiences in relation to that negligence, problems faced trying to get help?
- Why is it allowed to be that way?
- What needs to be done about it?
- Why? (It's safe to assume that a lot of the answer to this will pull from responses to one of the previous questions about how it affects you, your life, the severity of those effects - this will just basically serve as the conclusion.)
- Any further ideas, as far as what should be covered?
Obviously, it'd help if we could be as factual as possible, cite some sort of concrete evidence, but without it being too dense or overwhelming. I want this to be something someone can just walk into and immediately get a decent understanding of what it is we go through and feel the gravity of the situation. Nothing too long, wordy, if possible, rather simple, to the point, but also in a way that's both very telling and undeniably the truth. We need to be able to take an audience of just regular people, make them 'get it,' and win them over.
Quotes, and their sources? Meaningful pictures (if it's a nuisance to add pictures - just realized I haven't seen many (any), it'd be great if you could use a site called imgur and drop the links here)? Articles, though I don't want to be cluttering the video with tons of links they're going to have to type out and search up themselves, I could add some to the video's description. But, yes, again, evidence.
Also, I just want to say that I know this is, in most ways, a difficult thing thing to ask of you, to make short, simple points, because our sicknesses are so much more than that, the suffering's so complex and often quite different from person to person, but.. try. Though, I get the feeling that the whole "keep it simple" thing will prove to be a real chore, so.. just share what you want, and I will draw from all of it.
Again, totally understandable if you don't want to help, but I do hope some join in. But, yeah, you know that feeling you get when you, say, make a joke while you're in a group of people, expecting a response, and it goes unnoticed? Of course.. this isn't a joke, but you know what I'm trying to say. So, yes, please, don't make me feel that.
Please. Thanks, guys.