Posted 12/25/2014 11:13 AM (GMT -5)
Hi all,
just popping in to wish all a Merry Christmas! Haven't been on the forum for a while.
Just a little update here, if anyone can relate or comment!
I had developed pneumonia from the chlamydia pneumoniae, that was tough but i got through it! really set me back.
My symptoms are becoming less severe and cognitive function is improving!! I can read again! Short term memory comes and goes.
Spacey head very mild now but soo much better!
The snap crackle pop in my joints are gone, stiff hands come and go.
The sweating had stopped.
My heart palps started to become less often and much less intense during the first 2 months of treatment, but now they have become more frequent and getting short of breath and tire so easily.
The Dr picked up a murmur, so did EKG, that was normal, waiting on echo results and will be doing a 30 day heart monitor.
He put me on Hawthorn extract and Magnesium w/srt to help my heart and energy levels. He suspects a possible leaky valve but not confirmed as of yet. Dr doesn't think it's serious. Wondering Lyme related?
So i am happy to report that my Lyme and Mycoplasma symptoms are less severe than they were the past 3 months!
I found out that intense stress will trigger a flare up of symptoms as it happened to me last week, though not as debilitating as in the past. (the dysfunctional toxic family issues i need to protect myself from. definite trigger!).
There is healing, and it is a lot of work, self care, awareness and determination! So anyone feeling their worst today, there is hope, though i felt hopeless at the beginning of my treatment, here i am today much improved and having much hope in getting completely well!!
So i am content to be home with my best friend (dog:) and recover from the mild flare up of symptoms that i am having,and being thankful that i am feeling better than i did, and thankful for this important day of my Saviors birth! :)
Merry Christmas :)