First of all I am thrilled that this was helpful. I get a little worried about
such long posts with so much detail. I know on my bad days (and sometimes even on my good days) that I get frustrated with long posts/conversations to read and I really just want shortcuts and cliff notes. LOL
But also, I wouldn't know what I know, and I wouldn't be where I am, and I wouldn't have made any progress out of a very very dark place in my illness if others had not shared detail like this about
their own experiences. I am indescribably grateful for their generosity and hope that I can pay it forward by doing the same. I believe it was the moderator Traveler who mentioned that is why she contributes the way she does here (which is incredibly time-consuming as other moderators know) because she wants to give back.
I am working on a much more cohesive and coherent and organized post on yeast/fungal issues to include in the "New to lyme?" thread, but it's taking awhile… ;)
WOW—you had a lot going on there. And I cannot tell you how thrilled I am that you tackled it all with the yeast/fungal treatment. I know so many others in the world are struggling like we have—but it's just not a well-understood condition, on top of the lyme & co. Lucky us. BUT—LUCKY US! We won. I really really really hope others can win this battle too. We have a war on our hands with lyme & co and yeast/fungal issues, while a NASTY intruder, are pretty straightforward to resolve once you know what the key issues are. And very few doctors and NDs do.
I have had bad hearing my whole life. I always attributed it to my brother shooting off cap guns in my ear as a child (because someone told him not to do it……..) And I think that caused the damage but with my 23andme data interpretation I found out that a couple of the mutations I have makes my ears more vulnerable to noise damage! Fascinating. BUT—I think your discovery with the water logged ears and probably also yeast/fungal issue growing in your head, thus your ears, is affecting hearing. I think that also affected my balance—would get dizzy every now and then whether I was sitting, standing, lying down.
Regarding the 677 mutation—If you only have that mutation, then yes, I believe nearly all your support needs to be in the methyl form. But I recently learned (again, with my 23andme data interpretation) that I have quite a few other methylation mutations that suggest B6 is not good for me and that the methyl forms are actually not the best for me—the hydroxy forms are, which are one step down from the methyl forms but easier for my body to process. So, without that knowledge, you should stick to the methyl forms but start out very slowly. If the supplementation starts to stir up symptoms, etc then back off the dose or you might want to invest in further tests to understand your methylation status.
Hmmm….. $1000 test for yeast? I've never heard that. But he's spot on about
the treatment—the yeast/fungal issue is kind of black-and-white. It's either there, or not. And the treatment will work if it is there. He's also right that the symptoms do get worse when you start treatment due to the yeast/fungal die off, which just floods your body with toxins. But as long as you can detox them right out the "door", you're definitely healing and relief happens really fast (as long as you're detoxing well) and it is so so so wonderful. ;)
If you don't get rid of your lingering yeast/fungal sx with the Nystatin and probiotics very soon...I would do two things:
1. Kick up detox a few notches.
2. You also need to be on a systemic anti fungal, given your history. Yeast/fungal overgrowth in your GI tract (which is likely) creates leaky gut problems (check out the leaky gut thread) and yeast/fungus spreads throughout your body quite efficiently through your blood stream. So you need a two-pronged approach: a systemic anti fungal like Diflucan, Ketoconazole; and a local anti fungal like the Nystatin.
After writing that paragraph I'm wondering if you are on a systemic anti fungal but I forgot… I'll just leave the paragraph in case you are not. If you are, you might want to change to a different type—the yeast/fungus do sometimes develop a resistance. Stool tests like Doctor's Data can tell you which remedies (natural and Rx) are most effective.
And—the systemic is short-term. You'll want to make sure you get your liver enzymes tested. Milk thistle seed and burdock root are helpful.
Sorry if my post is repetitive—I forget what I've contributed to this conversation versus others… ;) But I KNOW you're on the right track!! So happy for you. There is so much needless suffering due to yeast/fungal overgrowth and this is a huge triumph. Please let us know how things progress. We're rooting for you!
Post Edited (Pirouette) : 1/14/2015 4:07:42 PM (GMT-7)