Posted 1/12/2015 8:09 PM (GMT -5)
If I were you I would not take one more abx without implementing both a comprehensive detox program and a comprehensive probiotic. You will thank me later. ;)
There are a couple of good discussions here about probiotics—at the very least I would start with a product that has many strains and a high quantity, usually a refrigerated product. This is not where you want to skimp on costs—invest in a good probiotic (I take Garden of Life w/ 34 strains, 100Billion once a day—something like this is good). Some people make their own fermented food, which has good stuff for the gut—lots to search here.
Here are a few thoughts about detox but others here are also doing creative and effective things to help detox so again, you might do a search or start a new thread to get other's attention.
You are spot on about the timing of the charcoal and your meds, food, anything you take that you don't want to go straight through your intestines! What most of us do is take a binder like charcoal, bentonite clay, cholestyramine is another good one and cheap but you need an Rx. And provide a 2hr buffer before and after taking the binder before you take any meds or supplements or food or tea or whatever is part of your protocol. That will give the binder plenty of time to process through and out.
Lymph detox
There are several herbs and supps you can take to help your lymphs empty appropriately—but many of us do dry brushing. There is a particular process to it (just google it) but it is soothing and very effective as part of your detox protocol.
Skin detox
Many people do detox soaks—not only is it very soothing and a nice gift to your stressed-out body to just sit and soak… but it helps draw toxins out of your skin, which is the largest organ in your body and your best bet at really de-junking. ;) There are quite a few "recipes" online that specify the amount of epsom salts, and/or sea salt and/or hydrogen peroxide. Everyone has a different approach so it's always an interesting discussion here.
But one thing you need to make sure you do, regardless of what you put in your bath, is to start slowly with one ingredient at a time (start w/ epsom salts), use a fraction of what the recipe calls for and carefully build up to the full amount in the recipe before adding a new ingredient, starting slowly with that one as well. Some people add aroma oils and other things they enjoy. AND, if the bath proves to be too much, start with a foot soak. It's not as beneficial but a good place to start.
There are many really great herbs, tinctures, teas that focus on specific parts of the body to help detox and move toxins through and out as well as help manage symptoms. So, I would figure out what symptoms you're most concerned about and focus on that—another good reason to post specifically about the detox you're aiming for to get good ideas.
If you have the energy, exercise (moderate—easy to overdo it with a compromised body) is really good for keeping your blood moving, preventing muscle atrophy, helps provide endorphins, and the sweat also helps you move toxins out of your body. There are a couple of people who are doing really well here with exercise so search for some ideas. Others also do regular saunas, IR (infra-red) saunas, and there are a variety of other mechanisms that people use to detox.
So those are the most common ways to detox to choose from. I would start with a binder and something to help your lymphs and then see what else you can work in.
Yes, it is depressingly expensive. Almost everyone here has that concern. What I normally do is figure out what is most important (#1 abx, #2 binder, and #3 probiotic) and figure out what is in the next category —stuff your LLMD recommends and stuff to help manage symptoms, read and research and talk to others as much as possible about what brands are better than others, where to find things inexpensively. Also, keep track of what is working and what isn't, which takes time and intense organization.
The Transfer Factor is good but did not help me (my CD-57 went down after taking it for 4 months, which was 2 months longer than it should have been). But immune support is also very important—no treatment will work without your own immune system helping out. 70% of your immune system lives in your gut, so that is why it is so important to replace the good bacteria killed by the abx, which will help keep the opportunistic yeast/fungus in control. If not, bad, bad, horrific things will happen (google leaky gut"). ;) A sugar-free, gluten-free, processed-foods-free diet is strongly recommended. Most of us here are also dairy and grain-free. But a strict diet is also hard to manage with everything else there is going on so if you really don't need it, eliminating those 3 things is a good start.
Your list above is great. Again, I would prioritize things if you can't afford it all.
Please let us know how things progress for you—keep asking questions and seeking info.