When I tested with Igenex 6 months ago, I had the following bands:
41 indeterminate (31 was also indeterminate, but did epitode test and that was neg)
Nothing really on igg.
The current western blot I was on abx. My llmd and igenex said it would not effect w.b. results. Kinda broke now so only did IGm.
39 indeterminate
41 indeterminate
83-93 indeterminate
(I recently added IGg because of ambiguous igm results)
Any advise would be helpful, maybe I should have stopped all abx. The annoying thing is that I actually did stop all abx and a week before my llmd appointment I developed strep and had to go back abx.
What confuses me is some say certain bands are lyme specific but on igenex own test results they state that these specific band scan cross react with other viruses.
I am currently off all abx bed I have developed terrible periferal neuropathy, and the abx make it unbearable. I don't thing it was aherx more like a toxic reaction to all the abx. I am still in dreadful pain from the periferal nueropathy and other symptoms.