Posted 1/22/2015 8:42 PM (GMT -5)
Wow, first off, thanks for the responses, guys! 7 may not seem like much, but it's a lot for me. I appreciate it.
Again, same here, with the people being in a similar boat of not getting any of the more traditional sicknesses. Like I said, I've been around sick people so many times, some even with really bad cases of the flu, stomach bugs, that decimate the entire household, and nothing - somebody could cough right in my face. It's definitely weird, and, again, just sad, cause I really do miss them.
As for all the different schools of thought regarding why, I really can't say. Though, I get the feeling that there may be weight to all of them, 'cause, you know, just as some of your responses differ, so may your body's responses to all of the stuff. I can agree with all of you.
The immune system's too compromised to respond, so the bugs sort of just fall by the wayside.
ToddPaul's thoughts on it draw a nice picture though. Like, imagine a decade or so from now (sooner would be great, but.. what can ya do), researchers isolate whatever about the bacteria causes the immune system to go into hyper speed, and it's used to cure all sorts of super bugs of the future. Heck, imagine if they could twist it and make it attack the very infections that trigger it, you know? Kinda like what's done to make vaccines, but a cure instead. That'd be great.
The bacterial infections, couldn't they just be manifestations of Lyme and whatnot? If not that, maybe... something having to do with the fact that it was bacteria that shook a lot of our immune systems, so, for whatever reason on a scientific level, they still kind of respond to bacteria? I dunno.
And, teragram, or rather Margaret, while I know you are still probably going through some stuff regarding this and other things, to me, having an immune system that functions in response to the sorts of things an average person catches, albeit poorly, is somewhat of a good thing. You may not feel the same way. I would understand. Though it goes without saying, I am no expert either. But, yeah.
Anyway, again, thanks for responding, everybody! Good luck with.. everything. I hope everybody can get back to a point where.. you can get one of those, again, more "common" colds and.. maybe smile, cause it's not Lyme or another tbi, cause your body's back to what most would consider normal.
I want that for you.
Cya around..