Wonderful news, Chapelle!!
I do hope this is happy dance time for you!!!
The first thing we have to remember is that you just went through a very traumatic event - a miscarriage. So it will have an effect on your body.
While symptoms plus a low CD57
can indicate a Lyme infection - no one knows what makes the CD57 low, so it can't be tied to anything when there are no Lyme symptoms since no one knows what else may affect it. Some Lyme researchers discovered that
some Lyme patients had low CD57 results - not all. As a matter of fact, they went so far as to say that some very ill Lyme patients CD57 levels were just fine - so it's not even a marker of how sick you are with Lyme. So this is something I surely wouldn't concern myself with - other than the curiosity that it is.
According to lab tests online (
labtestsonline.org/understanding/analytes/bilirubin/tab/test/) a high bilirubin count can be from liver issues - which a miscarriage could certainly affect, especially in a post Lyme patient. But, I would encourage you to keep an eye on your liver function just to be sure.
According to medfriendly.com (
www.medfriendly.com/neutrophil-neutropenia.html) high Neutrophils can be from stress - and you certainly have had your fair share of that lately! The things you have been through lately are definitely stressful on the body.
And as far as you still testing positive on band 93 - that's interesting. Since these are antibody tests, your body is still producing antibodies to the flagellen - the tail of the bacteria - but it could be from any spirochetal bacteria - or none. As far as I have seen, there have been no studies for what bands may stay positive after treatments have been successful - gotten a person to the point of being symptom-free. We know that not every single Lyme bacteria can be eradicated from the body, although you can get them to low enough levels to remain "in remission" (to borrow a term) for the rest of your life. It's assumed that without significant numbers of the "right type" of Lyme bacteria, there won't be an active infection.
And as for the nerve issues you mention, those seem pretty minor and most certainly could be from nerve sheath (myelin) damage that has yet to heal. Nerves can take up to 7 years to completely heal, so give it some time. If no other symptoms pop up, then I'd say you are in the clear... as long as you continue to take really good care of yourself!!!
So all in all, being symptom free for 5 months without any abx or Lyme herbs says a lot!! You've been under significant enough stress (both physically and emotionally) to have brought out any remaining symptoms, yet there seem to be none! Just don't hesitate to jump on those Lyme herbs if you start to see too many other Lyme symptoms creep back in - don't wait too long!
But, please learn from my mistakes - no more stress!!! LOL!! And be sure to be on some sort of preventative for Lyme disease. The only thing I know of is herbs, but I have to admit, I haven't looked any further either.
So -
again, Congratulations!!!!
Happy Dance Time!!!!
And - a HUGE thank you for wanting to stick around to help out!! We need some that have healed to be here - I mean besides goofy me!!! People really like talking with those that have made it back to health.