Posted 2/5/2015 1:09 PM (GMT -5)
Hi guys! I posted two months ago about being worried of Lyme turning to ALS. Well I finally got back from my neuro appt and I left feeling unsure. He listened to my symptoms and did the basic neuro test ( I’ve had it done by almost every MD I’ve seen) the whole “push your hand against mine”, “bend your foot down and up” and” walk in a straight line” type stuff.
I told him about concerning symptoms-
Body twitches all over and hard spasm at night
Pain/weakness in my left arm, keeps spreading now arm and shoulder
Shortness of breath, can’t laydown flat at night, standing can be difficult with a heavy feeling in my chest
He basically said he didn’t see anything indicative of ALS. Which I didn’t understand because he didn’t do anything to check for it, I thought? I was under the assumption that the minimum is nerve testing. I didn’t think you could tell someone yes or no to ALS based on looking at them. I really felt his answer was based on my age.
I’m 29, I’ve read about all sorts of people younger then me getting ALS. A lot of people’s early symptoms when they got diagnosed were really mild, such as there arms hurt when putting dishes away.
I would feel a lot better if he would do a nerve test. My arm has gotten worse in two months. It used to hurt and get weak from holding stuff to long but know evening sitting at my laptop holding my arm to the key board brings on weakness/ discomfort for hours following, and it recently spread to my shoulder blade and mid back. Basically any activity even mild causes weakness for hours following, I feel like I have to keep my left arm still.
My breathing is the most consuming, my ND thinks babesia but I don’t really have air hunger. I have chest pressure, tightening in my diaphragm, and trouble standing up strait because my chest makes me feel like I need to slouch over. I go back and forth between needing to be propped up when sleeping.
I don’t know what to think, I just wish the dr would have done a nerve test so I could have a defiant answer, if one even exist. I mainly want to know early so I could pursue alternative treatments.
So I was wondering If I should be confident with my neuro answer? Or seek a second opinion?