Ok, you folks are making me laugh; you are SO gung ho!! Trav. you especially made me laugh. I felt like you were practically jumping up and down.
Deeja and others, believe it or not, I really like this doctor. For one thing, she's an integrative doctor, and she does use herbs like Artemisinin etc. etc. She's in NC, which is good. The other LLMDs in NC don't have such good reputations. Her reputation is steadily growing, and so far, I haven't heard anything bad about
her. Plus, she's really nice. You know how doctors are; they tend to push aggressively.
You're right about
the detox; she didn't say a lot about
it, until I prompted her. She personally likes activated charcoal, and she thinks the FAR infrared saunas are great. I have a sauna, but I got really slack about
using it, bc it was giving me migraines, plus it was such a drag to get everything ready, like in the sauna, clean everything etc. I now realize I should have drunk more water bf getting in the sauna, bc I wasn't sweating.
She said that by far the best detox was to drink lots and lots of water.
She's also working on my immune system. She bumped up my Beta Glucan, and I think I'm going to make an appointment with my phlebotomist (if I ever get around to it) to see what he thinks about
the IG test result.
So yes, you win. I like Girlie's ideas and Blue Green's idea of adding or bumping up ever 4-7 days.
cd, Samento and Banderol worked great for me, until I started getting diarrhea. Then, after that resolved, I tried again, and I couldn't stop herxing, plus they weren't helping me out as much. Since I now have an LLMD, I'm going to try her system.
Deeja, except for walking every other day or so (I'm in a fabulous neighborhood for walking), and occasional trips to the grocery store (which exhaust me), and the recycling dumpster stations, I'm practically housebound as is.
Persephone, I've tried asking about
the grocery-delivery system, but none of the four grocery stores in this town does it. By four, I'm including WalMart, ha ha!
As for that "Grey" book, I innocently bought it at an airport bookstore, having no clue what it was really about
, and as I started reading it on the plane, I noticed the guy next to me was impolitely staring at the book. I was trying to remember why I only got a third of the way through it, and I realized that it's because it promotes horrible negative stereotypes about
women (apart from all her ooooo's) Basically it depicts an abusive relationship, since he not only beats her, he tries to control her every move. The fact that it's so popular is even scarier. I think the spoofs have got to be better than the actual book.
Persephone, of course you can talk about
the cute delivery boys. When I first met Marie online, I told her that I had flown on a Belgian airline, and the stewards were unbearably cute. They were both blond. And the captain's name was Captain Lemon, so my friend said something about
"Captain Lemon and his lemon drops."
So NOW, the big question is, what do I do first? Ok, so I'm going to choose one thing I'm already on. And then after 4-7 days, what do I do, bump up the dose or add an additional substance?? That question has always had me stumped, ha ha!
Oh, and Marie, I'm going to reorder Burbur, but I think I'll have to basically drink a bottle a day, which gets a bit expensive, heh? Marie, I hope you let me know a bit more about
what's going on.
IHL, I hope I didn't shock you.
Thanks all, for your opinions and for pulling for me.