Posted 2/20/2015 11:17 AM (GMT -5)
Summer16- Wow it took you that long to get recover from it?! sheesh! I woke up with really bad anxiety and feeling like I can't breath. I swear, I just got over so many symptoms. I'm so dissapointed that they are all creeping back in :( It's totally devastating. Especially the anxiety.....
All I'm doing to take care of myself is eating soup and drinking tea. Beyond that I just can't stand up long enough. I really need a shower. But I'm still too afraid to get in there.
The depression and anxiety are the worst. I almost feel like a failure. I feel like I'm failing my family, my treatment, and myself. I know that isn't logical, none of this is my fault.... But it's hard to backslide like this. Three days ago I felt like superwoman, and now I feel like I need to be in the hospital. I'm incredibly sad that I have to go through this and be this sick. I was really enjoying having a glimpse of my health back. I have things to do, dangit!!!!
I'm guessing the virus can get us so bad because of our low immune function. I could seriously cry right now. It really is true, if you don't have your health you don't have anything. I'm 26 and I should be in my prime. This is the point in my life where I should be figuring out a career, taking care of my family, and most of all being an active part of my family. I've been stripped of all of that. I feel so robbed. And there isn't a dang thing I can do about it! I can't even cook or clean! I can't walk to the mailbox without feeling like it's going to kill me! Heck, I can't even take a decent poo!!!!! Or pee!!!!!
This feeling useless stuff has got to go. I don't have room for negativity in my life and yet somehow it always finds a way to creep in. It's really easy for me to feel bad about myself, and so so so so hard for me to feel good about myself. I can't do ANYTHING! If I could get up and throw my son in the car and do something fun with him I'd feel better about LIFE. Instead I'm stuck here begging him to stop jumping on me or around me because I'm in so much pain. It literally hurts to give people hugs, so I avoid the whole world. I can't feel good about myself because I can't do nice things for the people around me anymore. I can barely handle making a PB&J....
This has really effected me. Right down to the core. On a soul level. And I'm stuck here until treatment works. Until I find the right pieces to the puzzle. If I do good and treatment only takes 2 years, I'll be 28. I'll be almost 30! When I started getting sick I was 20. That's a really long time. That is alot of life that could've been spent very differently. It makes me angry. Especially considering I did the right thing! I felt something was wrong, I went to the doctor. They told me I was crazy instead of sick. I know you guys can relate so well to that. I won't get that time back, and they all still get to go home to their families at night and pretend they know it all. Pretend they are helping people. You can't tell people they are crazy just because you can't figure it out!!!!! AHHHH!!!!!! SO angry....
Something has to change. This can't keep happening to people. When I'm healthy I intend on using this anger to help other people. Somehow. There has to be something that can be done. And wow, this post really ran away from me. UGH!!