Posted 2/21/2015 11:12 AM (GMT -5)
Critical thinking question to ask here is this:
If you feel weird, disconnected, not grounded and not in control of your body, how can you expect that the long-term decisions you make right now are going to be reliable ones?
Maybe you should think more about tactical decisions rather than strategic ones right now. Don't get ahead of yourself. Everybody has different challenges and tasks presented to them by the process of their life- and it is a process- and your process right now obviously has a focus on your physical and mental health. It's your task. And finding a way to live that supports that goal is the best choice.
I don't know how old you are, but you sound like a youngish person. You have time. Lots of people never really settle down and build prosperity or stability until their 40's! so it's not a crime to work the short term for now. Focus on health of mind, body and spirit, build trust in yourself, and give yourself time to recover from this.
As you get more stable, answers will suggest themselves, opportunities will present themselves that you never anticipated, and if you have the courage to try those opportunities, life will open up to you in surprising ways. As your mind becomes healthier you'll find yourself thinking in more balanced ways, and more balanced decisions will come out of you. Just do what you can for now, within the abilities that you have, and keep working it.