Hi All,
I've had a few members encourage me to tell how I'm doing, so here goes.
Although it's only been 27 days (& counting!!!) since I've stopped treatments, I'm still doing well - considering I'm still dealing with adrenal fatigue and hypothyroidism, anyway!!
I've had no symptoms that can't be attributed to either adrenal or thyroid issues get worse or return!! I'm sleeping well - as long as I don't need to sleep longer than 7 hours, LOL!! I know that sounds like heaven to those that aren't sleep much or at all - but I've been the one not sleeping more than a few hours a day for years, so I think I'll stick with this!!
I am
soooooooooo looking forward to spring, where I can get out in my garden again!!! I've missed two years of gardening and am so ready to get back into it this year! I'm going crazy making all these plans for the garden, yet knowing that I still must be very careful to not push myself too hard.
My pain levels are consistent with arthritis, instead of being off the charts.
My thinking seems to be clearer and I'm back to remembering things fairly easily (a novel "toy" still to me after not having a working memory for years!!! LOL!)
I've stopped loosing "extra" hair and it's got some body back!!
My innerds have calmed down to their regular, ornery self.
My liver - which was 'acting up' and why I stopped my treatment to begin with - seems to be doing well again. It took it's sweet time getting back to normal though!! I have no gall bladder, and can't take milk thistle, so I've always watched my liver closely.
I still have no appetite and don't look forward to eating at all, but I think that has a lot more to do with the very restrictive diet that I have had for a year now - although I have to admit that the diet is getting easier to deal with.
I am starting to loose the 40 lbs I gained in three months when my thyroid was drug down by my adrenals!!
Woo hoooo!!!!!! Then I was reinfected, and trying to loose that weight just wasn't happening, until I was healed from Lyme again, then my thyroid started to heal (numbers are coming up finally!!!) and the weight is starting to leave!!
I feel guilty in a way as I know that so many are still suffering greatly, but then a very wonderful friend and wise woman told me that guilt is a useless feeling and that my healing could serve as an inspiration to others - who can ignore wise words spoken by a wise woman????