astroman said...
My C4a went to normal, I felt a little better, but not a drastic change. How I feel depends on if I'm on ABX or not, ABX is brutal in my opinion.
I had lyme for years before treatment, it messed up all my muscles - they just didnt recover from exercise ever!
So I've used the foam roller and LaCrross ball, golf balls ect to keep things loosend up. Its the only way my muscles feel better after exercise. If I dont do that stuff, I'm screwed, and get injured. Keeping the IT bands (outer thighs) loose are difficult, but very important. Lacross ball helps there (painfull at first).
So how did you find a place that offers Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy? Is this commonly used for other issues or by pro athletic teams?
Thanks, that kind of answers my question. I was hoping that the C4a test was sensitive enough to reveal whether or not you are still fighting an infection. It sounds like even if you have normal levels you can still be symptomatic.
When I was healthy I was constantly stretching and using a foam roller following my training rides, but I'm pretty sure the soreness I felt was just exercised related. Ironically I had a very progressive year with my fitness before I became ill. I'm pretty sure I contracted lyme years ago and it just took this long to become active.
I do remember having a very difficult time working on my IT bands right before I got sick. No amount of work on the foam roller or hand massaging seemed to help.
I lucked out with finding an HBOT facility near me. I just did a simple google search. Of all the adjunctive and alternative therapies out there I believe HBOT treatment shows the most promise. Although research is inconclusive on it's effectiveness as a Lyme treatment it is known that HBOT treatment stimulates white blood cell activity. So at a minimum you are giving your immune system a little push.