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I don't want to be in pain anymore :(
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Veteran Member
Joined : Aug 2014
Posts : 2167
Posted 3/6/2015 3:12 PM (GMT -5)
Pain is.... taking away the enjoyment of anything. I can't sleep. I can't watch a movie. I can't sit outside. I can't hold my son. Not without pain. Its relentless.
I have pain pills. The tramadol is hit or miss. Sometimes it works really good and sometimes it doesnt. I have percocet but I hate taking it. It just makes me feel so bad. The pain goes away some but it's not even to make it worth it. Percocet makes me feel really disconnected. And if I don't take anything which I do often I'm left trying to no avail to get comfortable.
My back hurts. I have the worst cramps ever. They make me nauseous. My legs ache. My forearms ache. My throat hurts all night lOng. I'm still plaqued with awful headaches. I've been getting ear aches when I lay down. My jaw hurts sooooo bad.
My arms and legs and jaw never came back to life after that 105 fever. They are so weak. I'll stop eating before I'm full because my jaw gets too tired to chew.
I have bald spots all over my head. I have these little bumps that feel maybe like ingrown hairs or bites or something and then all the hair falls out around them.
I need relief! I need a break! I don't want narcotics that make me feel weird! I want breath without feeling my ribs and sides and lungs aching. I want my heart to beat and me not have to painfully aware of it. Ugh....
I hate complaining. I wouldn't dare tell anyone this stuff in "real life" for fear of sounding like a whiner. I'd like to think I'm tough but I'm at a breaking point. My little body is constantly going through so much. How much can a person take??
Let me just say this- TREATMENT SUCKS. it sucks so bad I'd rather eat mud pies!!!!!! I'm still on my medication vacation and focusing on detoxing and candida. I want to curl up in a ball and just cry. I want my mom!!!!!!!
Veteran Member
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Posted 3/6/2015 3:22 PM (GMT -5)
I am so sorry you are going thru this, it is horrible and not fair at all. I wish I had an answer for you. I believe you are in Oregon, right? If so there are some people treating with cannabis oil. I hear that there are strains that you can get for your particular issues that can also help with the healing. Maybe that would help you. Is there anything that makes you feel even a little better? laying in the sun with your dog maybe? I really wish I lived close to you, I would come over with some soup.
Feel better!
Veteran Member
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Posted 3/6/2015 3:30 PM (GMT -5)
You are too sweet dancingbear. I have my medical marijuana card. Lately it's been messing with my anxiety. I have some cbd oil too and it just doesn't do anything that I can notice. smoking really helps with nausea and my appetite but I can't handle getting paranoid.
I'm in the sun with my dog right now and I just can't stop crying. I'm having a nervous breakdown I think. I'm usually a lot tougher than this and don't allow myself to get to this point. I'm not usually feeling sorry for myself but right now I totally am. I'm just so darn sick of doing of everything right and getting worse. No positive Results. I don't want to hang in there anymore. I just need to let myself break apart for a little while and I'll feel silly when it's all oveR.
Let it flow right through me and not hold back anymore. Just let it get itself over with. Everyone needs a good cry every once in a while. I'm hoping this is just some anxiety and it's a symptom and it will pass. But man. Pain every single day will make you go crazy.
Forum Moderator
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Posted 3/6/2015 3:38 PM (GMT -5)
IHL - I know how you feel - the pain everyday. I do cry...and it does help. It seems to release something and allows me to handle it again.
It's okay to cry....
We will get better, the pain will subside.
I'm seriously thinking of medical marijuana. I have resisted pain meds to now...but I've read that there may be something to the marijuana with actually treating lyme I'm curious.
I just don't know what type/form to take.
Not gonna buy a bag and start rolling
My Dr. can prescribe a med - Nabilone - but then it's probably got a bunch of pharm junk in it...maybe it's the one thing that will actually help with pain and do something to kill the lyme.
Veteran Member
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Posted 3/6/2015 3:41 PM (GMT -5)
You are on the right track. I do that sometimes, let myself cry and feel sorry for myself. I feel better when I am done. Someone else just wrote about
that on another tread.
the medical marijuana card, maybe you could try a different strain? I know some are for certain things.
You will get better! One way or another. You hang in there! Things are going to get better and I am sure you mom is with you! Think of her sitting by you holding your hand. She is there with you and you will get better! Also, give yourself permission to feel these feelings. You are still pretty tough if you ask me.
Picture yourself where you want to be. Loose yourself in that dream.
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Posted 3/6/2015 4:26 PM (GMT -5)
Never fell bad for feeling sorry for yourself. You and everyone with this terrible disease has every right too. You also deserve to feel better! Please cry it out when you feel defeated and go somewhere secluded and scream as loud as you can when you get angry. When these feelings take over we have to get them out so we can move forward. Keeping you in my thoughts and hoping you feel much better soon.
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Posted 3/6/2015 5:03 PM (GMT -5)
IHL- I'm sorry you are going through so much physical and mental pain. It's hard to find the strength to muddle through, especially when you've been suffering for quite a while. I hope for you rest and relaxation.
Veteran Member
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Posted 3/6/2015 7:10 PM (GMT -5)
I've had many complete meltdowns! I think most of us do. Focus on the plan of attack to kill those buggers once and for all!
Veteran Member
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Posted 3/6/2015 10:43 PM (GMT -5)
Thank you everyone you're all so kind I hope this weirdness passes soon
Veteran Member
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Posted 3/7/2015 8:05 AM (GMT -5)
You might want to make some cannabis butter and bake it into
cookies. It is much better for addressing the pain and nausea without so much of the paranoia and being high. Much better than eating mud!
Veteran Member
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Posted 3/7/2015 12:04 PM (GMT -5)
Eating it for some reason is way worse for me! I freak out thinking that I'm not breathing when I totally am! Weird
Lymie Girl
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Posted 3/7/2015 8:37 PM (GMT -5)
I'm sorry you're in so much pain. Pain meds suck, but there are different meds for different kinds of pain. For example, there are many non-narcotic nerve pain meds - ones that also can help with depression. Maybe you're not on the right pain meds. Maybe you have nerve pain. There are also muscle relaxers.
You might consider seeing a pain management doctor. It might be worth a shot. I hope you're feeling better!
Garden Peace
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Posted 3/7/2015 8:51 PM (GMT -5)
I'm sorry IHL. I'm glad you come here to talk about
it so you know how many people are rooting for you. Keep hanging in there and enjoy the balmy days ahead.
Veteran Member
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Posted 3/7/2015 9:30 PM (GMT -5)
Thanks ks again everyone! I might give pain management a shot. I just don't want to get all strung out or feel weird all the time. The side effects can be pretty bad.
I really like to be clear and sober. I haven't always believe me! I have a lot of friends and my dad that are total addicts and I think it just gives me a bad impression. They have no idea what real pain is like!
Veteran Member
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Posted 3/8/2015 7:49 AM (GMT -5)
I am so sorry you're going through this. Hugs! xo
Here are some things I've noticed that help with pain. I still have a lot, but it's more manageable:
Binders (Takesumi, activated charcoal)
IMRS mat
Gentle exercise
Oil pulling (it's done great things for joint pain!)
Heat (hot bath, hot water bottle)
A vegetable-focused diet that crowds out sugar and gluten
Ionic foot baths
I hope you feel better so soon!!
Veteran Member
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Posted 3/8/2015 12:14 PM (GMT -5)
Part of the problem is that the pain moves around so fast. My back will hurt for a few hours and I'll try and remedy it. Then my headache will start and I'll try to remedy that. Then my forearms and shins will ache. The The cramps will start up and I'll start bleeding....
It's nearly constant lately. Hopefully soon I'll be in a better place..
Regular Member
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Posted 3/8/2015 6:43 PM (GMT -5)
let it out? No better place t do it than Oregon. I am from Portland and Bend and now live in the DC area, but I often think about
the fresh air of Mt. Hood and Bachelor and the great outdoors of the great Northwest. it brings me peace when I think about
it and I do miss it. Be sure to get out and enjoy it when you can. There is no better place that I can think of for anxiety.
Garden Peace
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Posted 3/8/2015 8:04 PM (GMT -5)
Lymebean, it got up to 70 in the Portland area and probably the whole valley. We've had an early spring and plants are blooming ahead of their normal times. The pacific frog chorus started up early too and right now there are 2 loud ones on our deck right now. Too bad you're not still here to enjoy the early spring.
Garden Peace
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Posted 3/8/2015 8:10 PM (GMT -5)
IHL, I'm so sorry you're aren't finding a solution for you pain. Where is your bleeding coming from? Does your doctor now about
it? Sorry, my memory is off.
I hope you got outside today to soak up some of the warmth.
Veteran Member
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Posted 3/8/2015 8:25 PM (GMT -5)
Hey garden peace! I started some seeds yesterday and today in my new greenhouse! I'm going to be using your seed tape trick pretty soon!!
My llnd actually talked my pcp into signing the referral for my insurance for pain management. I just hate the thought of taking narcotic pain pills. My llnd has been writing me a perscript
ion for 10 percocet (like... months ago) and got irritated that I didn't need more. I take tramadol almost everyday though. He says I need to deal with my pain or I'll never heal.
I have a young son and I like to be clear. I don't like taking them. A lot of it has to do with the fact that my father and my ex best friend that I grew up with are total abusers. I refuse to be like them. I need to just get over it. Because I'm aware of the consequences I'll never abuse them. But I still feel weak If I do take them.
Honestly though it hurts so bad sometimes if alien jizz made the pain stop I'd drink it lol. So. My appointment is coming up. My llnd wants me to go to my pcp and get this whole pain thing figured out. He doesn't want to have to write the rx. My issue is this lady violated hippa rules and got drunk with my father in law and made me out to be some sort of hypochondriac psycho. Even thinking of stepping foot in her office makes me feel humiliated.
When she got the record release from my llnd she called and told me to stop seeing other doctors because it was complicating her job. And then proceeded to tell me I just have a mood disorder. Then about
a week later called and said she might have missed something and I need to provide a stool sample and see another specialist.
So. Ya. That's why I'm avoiding pain management. I'm embarrassed. And her receptionist lady is someone I went to school wiTh. She told everyone I was just crazy too.. it's a very small town..
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Posted 3/8/2015 8:27 PM (GMT -5)
And yes, Oregon is the best ever!!!
Garden Peace
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Posted 3/9/2015 1:39 AM (GMT -5)
I'm glad you got the garden bug and started on the seed project. It can be so healing to do that. I'm jealous of your new greenhouse. ;) I'll be getting one when we sell the pool.
I'm sorry you have those people in your life. How childish to say those things about
you. Good for you for trying hard to do things right for yourself and your son. He's a lucky boy to have you. Little towns can be hard.
If you do start on the narcotic pain pills, start out with less than your supposed to take, in case you can't tolerate them. I had a bad reaction to Lomotil once, which is a narcotic, and I was glad I only took half the dose to start with. It was not a fun experience and I would've ended up in the hospital if I had taken the full dose.
Are you in one of the little logging towns? Don't feel you have to answer that if you don't want to. Enjoy the warm weather before the rainy days return. I hope you can work in your greenhouse some more this week.
Lovemychildren Mom
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Posted 3/9/2015 6:25 AM (GMT -5)
I use a heating pad with a damp wash cloth in it, the damp heat penetrates better and you can move it around to where you need it (ok, not your throat maybe :) ).
Ginger in any form may help and really anything you can keep down at this point, maybe not worrying about
diet as much.
The heat relaxes. Percocet is awful. I made me feel weird and out of it and tired, but I could not sleep. If you could get a little codeine or motrin, those are so much better for pain.
Sounds like the epson salt baths would be a help for you.
What about
considering a Hensa or other healing facility where they focus on all of this for you all day, every day. I know they do not do abx, but all the other healing things are wonderful (so I hear).
Veteran Member
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Posted 3/9/2015 9:34 AM (GMT -5)
I know how you feel. No one will even give me pain medication. (I don't know why. Maybe they don't believe me.)
So I just deal with it.
Veteran Member
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Posted 3/9/2015 9:48 AM (GMT -5)
How about
meditation? I know that can sound downright insulting and minimizing - I for one hate it when I'm in unrelenting pain that I has ruined my life and people suggest the littlest things to help...but it does help somewhat, and it can help your relationship to that pain. In my experience the pain by itself is unbearable, and then I come in and have negative thoughts and feelings about
it and I make it worse.
Just a thought.
But I do hear what you're going through. For years it was more exhaustion and the millions of other symptoms ruining my life but it's only in the last 2-3 years that it's just pain all the time to the point where I tear up at the thought of having to get up to go to the bathroom. Have faith that it'll get better, and revel in how strong you are to be getting through this!
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