Posted 3/15/2015 12:26 PM (GMT -5)
Hi again,
My treatment pretty much follows these guidelines. I have cut and paste the use of Metronidazole to kill off the Cystic form below.
4. CYSTIC FORM- When present in a hostile environment, such as growth medium lacking some
nutrients, spinal fluid, or serum with certain antibiotics added, Bb can change from the spiral form
(“spirochete”) into a cyst form. This cyst seems to be able to remain dormant, but when placed into
an environment more favorable to its growth, Bb can revert into the spirochete form. The antibiotics
commonly used for Lyme do not kill the cystic form of Bb. However, there is laboratory evidence
that metronidazole and tinidazole will disrupt it. Therefore, the chronically infected patient who has
resistant disease may need to have metronidazole (or tinidazole) added to the regimen. More
details are provided in the section on treatment options.
I have found this document to be extremely helpful.