Posted 3/31/2015 10:06 AM (GMT -5)
Your anxiety could be from several reasons. Lyme, what abx does to the chemical nuero balance. And any separate detox pathway issues (genetic mutations). If the liver cant detox well on ABX from genetic mutations, anziety can get much worse that normal.
Obviously figuring out the above questions, takes time, but you want relief now. Drugs and some natural herbs cover the issue rather quickly. Fixing the cause takes a little more time. That said, are your liver enzymes elevated?
Do you have Gilberts Syndrome (high billiruban, liver related). Having that with heavy ABX will create anxiety- A Dr explained this to me with methalation detox maps. Its complicated, and tied to the natural nuero amino acids (brain function).
You could test this to see how much difference it will make. SAM-e is good for Gilberts Syndrome, or during high liver enzyme counts, - it aids in liver detox and therefore increases serotonin. Its best to start low, 200mg. Then there is GABA amino acid, not all are created equal. This is a shortcut serotonin delivery to the brain, will not address the liver, or what abx is doing to it, but has a good chance of helping IF your liver is strong. I understand Kavience Gaba is the best when others dont cross the blood brain barrier. High coSt though. Could try a smaller count size first. I have not used it, but it was explained to me. Cheap Gaba does nothing.
Somehow molybdemum helps some people with this too, and its cheap. By itself I dont think it is something easily felt though. I dont remember the details. Yasko is big on moly.
I put all the above in "laymans" terms. I like to Keep It Simple. So any experts with long fancy words could find my explanations lacking, and I get that, since I'm no expert in this area of detox methalation. A gene Dr explained this to me, so its not my opinion, its a Drs opinion.
Hope some of this helps.
If they had a slow release valerian root, that could be a great temporary band aid. That stuff hits hard and is short lived. ZZZZZZzzz. Doesnt fix the cause though.